1. Overall Appearance -- 20 PTS

Start your judging as the dogs are walking into the ring. You can Judge gait and movement. You should be able to see from the first, the dogs you want to work with. Find the right TYPE first.

A. Conforming to-Type. Type is the essence of the breed. Breed type is that collection of specific characteristics which, when taken together separate one breed from another.

  1. Athletic - (Solid front end, light and springy backend.)
  2. Sturdy - not racy or frail
  3. Confident, secure, carries its territory with him.
  4. Should look like an American Pit Bull Terrier from across the ring.

B. Balance

  1. Height to weight - (square dog)
  2. Head in proportion to body
  3. Equal angulation of front to back
  4. Length of neck

C. Overall appeal

  1. Clean and shiny
  2. Alert and outgoing
  3. Presentation

2. Attitude -- 10 PTS

A. Should reflect these traits

  1. Proud - non-threatened
  2. Alert and outgoing - (friendly to humans)
  3. Interested in things around them
  4. In control of their space

3. Back End -- 30 PTS

A. Hip

  1.  Long and sloping - (low set tail)
  2. Alert and outgoing - (friendly to humans)

B. Angulation of back leg. The comparative length of femur, tibia/fibula and metatarsus causes angulation or lack of angulation.

  1. Femur - short. Stifle joint in upper one third of the back leg
  2. Tibia/fibula longer
  3. Metatarsals - Too long dog becomes cowhocked. Ratio between lengths of bone causes a bent stifle , which leads to a bent hock natural, springiness.

C. Muscle attachment - well past the joint.

  1. Muscles are to be long and flat, well conditioned.


4. Front End --- 20 PTS

A. Rib Cage

  1. Deep and elliptical. From side view should be even with the elbow.
  2. Well sprung at top, tapering to bottom.

B. Shoulders

    1. Wider than rib cage at the eighth rib, well laid back. Broad enough to support adequate musculature.

C. Scapula

  1. 45-degree angle to the ground
  2. Broad and flat.

D. Humerus

  1.  45-degree angle
  2. Elbow comes below bottom of rib cage.
  3. Elbows lie flat

E. Forearms

  1. Slightly longer than humerus and solid.
  2. 2 X thickness of metatarsal at hock.

F. Feet

    1. Small and tight
    2. Set high on pasterns

5. Head and Neck --.15 PTS

A. Balanced in relationship to rest of body.

  1. 2/3 width of shoulders
  2. Cheeks 25% wider than neck at base of skull.
  3. Nose to stop / stop to back of head.
  4. Bridge well developed-wider than head at base of ears.
  5. Depth of head
  6. Straight box like- muzzle
  7. Lips tight
  8. Teeth - wide at base - top cutters fit behind bottom cutters.
  9. Eyes - (small and deep set)

6. Tail and Coat -- 5 PTS

  1. Skin thick and loose around neck, tight over rest of body.
  2. Vertical folds around neck and chest.
  3. Short and bristled - glossy
  4. Tail length - just about point of hock.
  5. Shape - held down like a pump handle.
  6. Color - Any color or combination of colors.

7. Disqualifications

  1. Bitches in heat cannot be shown.
  2. Monorchid or cryptorchid
  3. Spayed or neutered dogs

American Dog Breeders Assoc. Inc.

P.O. Box 1771 - Salt Lake City, UT 84110

Phone: (801) 936-7513

Fax: (801) 936-4229

American Dog Breeders Conformation Standard - Basis of Conformation - copyrightã 1976