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Pit Stories |
As a pup Buck was sold by Pat Patrick to a physician. He proved to be an unsatisfactory pet and was sold to the late Alan Waldman who matched and won two with Buck in the low 50's. One over Aldo's Zeke, who later became a Champion, and the other over Winchester's Conan. STP purchased Buck from Alan Waldman when Buck just turned 2 years old and campaigned him at his correct weight, 46 lbs. As soon as STP started to work Buck they saw he had incredible stamina. In STP's hands, Buck demolished all of his competition, which included some highly regarded match dogs. Buck did not dazzle fanciers with ten-minute wins, but he had virtually no weakness as a match dog and always dominated his opponent, no matter what style. Buck's first match, with STP, was into Tito's Tonka, which was no match for Buck as Tonka stopped in less than :30 minutes. His next was against Captain America's Jumbo Jim. Jumbo Jim was a double bred Gr. Ch. Hank dog, and was hand picked to defeat Buck. Jumbo made an incredible scratch at 1:30, but by 1:57 he collapsed in his corner unable to go. In Buck's 5th he went into Rodney's two time winner JR, littermate to Gr. Ch. Yellow ROM. JR was handled at :52 minutes and could not go any further. Jr. later went on to win three more. For Buck's 6th match was against P. & H.'s Rocky, a rough son of Ch. Jeep and Gr. Ch. Miss Rage. Rocky was picked up in a little over an hour. Rocky went on to win his championship after another loss to Super Gnat's Gr. Ch. Ace. At this point Buck was retired as a 6 time winner and not yet 4 years old. I was conditioning Super Gnat's Gr.Ch. Ace for his 4th match, into P. & H.'s Rocky, when I received a call from STP. He explained that after 2 years of retirement, his Gr.Ch. Buck was contracted into Ricky Jones and Gr.Ch. Sandman, at 48 lbs. Both dogs were exceptionally seasoned match dogs with similar styles and STP predicted that the match would be a long one. This was the first time in history that two registered Grand Champions were to meet. Rebel Kennels Gr.Ch. Sandman was bred and raised by Ricky Jones from a Rascal / Jeep and Boomerang cross. Word had it that Ricky was able to take some of the unwanted dogs from some very good dogmen, and by sheer determination and good sense Ricky had bred bulldogs that could compete and win over the best in the country. Some of the best match dogs, at any weight, were either owned by Rebel Kennels, or were matched into Rebel Kennels. There were about 25 fanciers waiting for the match to start. My friend Peter from Holland was betting on Sandman, while I was betting on Buck. This was the first time we were not on the same side of the betting. The dogs were released and Sandman shot over like a rocket and got a good hold. When Sandman got to the stifle, Buck slowly and deliberately got him out. Ricky got all excited and said that Bucks stifle was broken. For the first 20 minutes Sandman was all over Buck, but then Buck started to dominate the action. Buck was a little stronger and had a little heavier mouth. He was taking the match to Sandman, but neither could get much of a lead over the other. Both dogs could hardly be held in their corner as they rocketed across on their scratches. About an hour and a half into the match Sandman got a good hold on Buck's neck. As Buck tried to twist out of this hold, Sandman held on and a stalemate ensued. Sandman would not release his hold and Buck could not get free, so the two Grand Champions were locked motionless and time dragged on. It seemed that both dogs were asleep. Buck started to vocalize his frustration at being unable to move. Ricky became even more excited, interpreting the noise as a sign of Buck wanting to quit. Nothing could be further from the truth as Buck finally extricated from the hold and resumed his dominance over Sandman. Ricky not only began to denigrate Buck but also STP. At one point he said that he was going to kick Buck's ribs in because he was such a cur. I encouraged him to go ahead and do it since the foul would leave Buck the winner. I think that Ricky began to realize that Buck was going to beat his Sandman dog and this was his way of dealing with that possibility. No matter how many times and how many ways Ricky verbally abused Buck and STP he never let it bother him. STP stayed with his dog and ignored all the outside shenanigans. STP gave fanciers a good demonstration of coolness and decisiveness in a tough situation. This was an even match until at the end when Sandman began to falter and it was clear that Buck was going to win. At three hours and 17 minutes, after 3 more scratches Sandman took the count. Buck's courtesy scratch, was a running one and he slammed into Sandman. We hustled Buck into a nearby shed and I started an intravenous line. Buck received 10 cc's of Azium in about 800 mls of Ringers before he ripped the line out of his leg. In an adjacent shed, Ricky worked in an effort to save Sandman. I was told that he gave Sandman an injection of Epinephrine, which is often used by human rescue personnel. The shot of "Epi" as it is known to the members of the rescue squad, killed Sandman immediately. Buck would not be still so I stopped the IV, which had leaked into the surrounding tissue. Buck stayed at my house for two weeks after the match, recovering from his ordeal. At 5:00 AM every morning, Buck would start his scream / howl, which echoed throughout the house. When I walked him outside, Buck would try to lunge at the other dogs in my yard, even though he could hardly stand up. It was obvious that his spirit had not been broken in spite of the lengthy battle with Sandman. Once recovered Buck went back to STP's and the old warrior lived the good life, breeding bitches and eating good food until he died. ![]() Barney Fife purchased a female pup from a Davis' Midnight Cowboy X Hand's Gr. Ch. Candy breeding and named her Sea Train, after the famous rock band. While still a puppy, Sea Train was sold to STP who raised her to maturity. At the time Barney Fife was breeding Zebo dogs, as Zebo was showing exceptional pit dogs, when STP phone to ask who he should breed Sea Train to. It was no surprise that Zebo was recommended as a stud. Tar Heel Matt purchased a pup named Margie, who whelped Panther. During her younger years, Margie whelped two litters sired by Tar Hill Matt's Monzon, who had won two matches. Panther was whelped in the 2nd litter. Monzon was sired by Lonzo's Mike, who too was a 2X winner. His dam was also a 2X winner named Rick's Thistle, who was Big Boy and Bullyson breeding. Tar Hill Matt had some good dogs from the first breeding of Monzon and Margie, so he repeated the breeding and produced several more pit wilnners. Some of these were Willie, Billy (1XW), Bonnie (1XW), Jimmy (who stopped Ch. Spike), Carlos (1XW, 1XL) and Monzon, Jr. Tar Heel Matt contacted Barney Fife to condition Panther and put his weight out at 55lbs., when Boss Hog picked it up. Boss Hog came with a large boned, Red Boy bred dog, and weighed in exactly at 55lbs., Panther weighed in 2lbs. light. Panther came out fast trying for the shoulders, but the white dog was adept at holding out Panther. The patern continued with Panther trying, but unable to get any good holds. At the twenty minute mark, Panther hit the front end and the white dog was in trouble. By the 40 minute mark, Panther was putting the finishing touches on the white dog, who took the 10 count in his corner making Panther the winner in 40 minutes. For reasons unknown, Panther's weight was never picked up again for almost two years. In the mean time, Panther demolished several roll opponents with such speed, that his formidable reputation grew even more. At the age of six, Matt retired Panther and bred him to several of his bitches. After several years Panther was sold to Rich Cupo, where he died shortly after. Panther sired 1 Grand Champion, 1 registered Champion, and many other winners. The best of Panther's offspring retained the signature trade mark of this strain. They would start fast and if a dog could not avoid their charge, the Panther dogs would win in short order. ![]() Virgil was born in a litter of four and he was the last one to turn on. He was rolled at eighteen months, but he was not interested. Virgil finally turned on when he was at the age of two. In his first roll he fought against a hard biting "Eli" dog, who hit two bleeders within four minutes. Virgil retaliated by destroying this dog within the next six minutes. In his next roll, Virgil came off the chain to fight against a big strong opponent of "Boomerang" breeding, who was conditioned, and thirty minutes later picked his dog up. Virgil had done considerable damage and was about to put him away. Big Brad contacted Ozzie and set up a match with a friend of his at forty-nine pounds. Ted and Frank used a dog named Harley, who was barnstormed from the start, and was picked up in :28 minutes. Virgil's second came F. Rocca called to inform Ozzie that Mike So. had a two time winner called Cain that nobody would match. Virgil came in heavy and Mike requested the forfeit, but was later convinced by B. Bryan that if the match was still going on a :45 minutes, Ozzie would concede. Cain was counted out at :38 minutes in a fast paced match, which gained Virgil his second victory. Next was Grace's Ch. Elmo, who was a litter mate to Gr. Ch. Mickey and Gr. Ch. Trouble. After a debate over the scale, the match started. Elmo hit a bleeder in Virgil's muzzle and another one in his shoulder. By :08 minutes Elmo had Virgil down. Virgil came off the bottom with Elmo's chest in his mouth and pressed Elmo over his head. After a flurry by Virgil, Elmo wouldn't fight back any longer and was picked up in :30 minutes, thus making Virgil a Champion. His fourth was into Swango and Sears' Ch. Chisohm. By :40 minutes Ch. Chisohm was in bad shape and Swango conceded at :52 minutes. For his Grand Championship, Virgil went into Phil's Little George who was a two time winner and a deep game dog. Phil conceded this match at :43 minutes, Little George later went on to win his Championship and also become a ROM producer. In between Ozzie had contacted Brabham and Singleton, who at the time owned another dog that had made a name for himself , Grand Champion Snake, in hopes of hooking these two destroyers into each other. Unfortunately, this match never came to. Virgil was six years old, when he was sold to Solo, formerly with STP, where he lived until he died at the age of 11. Before his death, Virgil sired Champions Beast, Becky, Bonnie, Brenda, and Jitney. ![]() Some dogs can be recognized by titles they earn such as champion, grand champion and register of merit, Angus is recognized by the title of "Champion of Champions". Angus' sire was a dog named Willie Brown's Nigger, who was a two time winner, sired by Clayton's Eli, Jr. bred to his mother, Boudreaux' Spook. Angus' dam, O. Stevens' Heidi, was bred by A. Steinberg from Sly Fox to Red Pepper (Ed Ritcheson blood) and was a litter mate to Ch. Prince. She was originally owned by O. Stevens' and matched once at twenty nine and a half pounds. She demonstrated the fustrating style of hanging on the bottom jaw and discouraging her opponent until Ziggy M. and Tony M. conceided the match in an hour. Ozzie then traded her to Big Brad and Keummerling, because he didn't have any use for her, as far as breeding. The bitch she was traded for was a cold gyp, at the time, named Geraldine. Big Brad tested Angus and because of the fact that Big Brad had numerous winners already on his yard, he sold Angus to Billy Stepp as a game dog. Angus then went on to shake up the dog world by defeating Rixey's Coal Cat, Jay's Buster, Crenshaw's Ch. Otis, Keummerling's Ch. Freddie (brother to O. Stevens' Ch. Homer), Garza's Heman and Love's Tiger, all of which were great dogs. Angus was then hooked into, the then 3X winner, Ch. Jeep as a rematch for the victory over Stinson and Stepp's Ch. Black Glover. During the keep, Angus was involved in an accidental kennel fight with Ch. Ruby and was wrecked in the chest area, thus forcing Stepp to pay the forfeit to J. Crenshaw. After Angus healed from this incident, they hooked up with Crenshaw to try the Angus / Jeep match again. Unfortunately, Angus got loose once again and ran straight into Ruby. By the time Stepp got there, the damage was aleady done, because so much money was riding on this match, Stepp and Co. asked O. Stevens if they could borrow, the 4X winner, Ch. Homer as a replacement so as not to lose another forfeit. Which is how one of the greatest matches of all time came about, Crenshaw's Ch. Jeep VS Stevens' Ch. Homer. Angus wasn't bred many times, but in his few breedings he sired good dogs such as Diaz' Ch. Mac, out of Torres' George. When bred to Stepp's Ch. Ruby, he produced Broadway Jack's Gee Whiz, Super Gnat's Guess (2X winner), Super Gnat's Ch. Butch, Suzy, and the 7X winner Racehorse. Also, there was Solo's Cobra, Big Brad's Loco, Patience, and Tara, Texas Ron's Major, Frankie, Sassy, Evil (who lost to O. Stevens' Ch. Zero), and Ralph's Prince (who was picked up at 1:57). He was the sort of dog that would overcome, and adapt to any style that was put before him as his record shows. In competitions, he defeated many whom went on to become foundation stock for other breeding programs. From all accounts told he possessed smarts, mouth, ability, gameness (reason he was sold by Big Brad), structure, his only downfall was he was a man-biter, such as many of the best-to-be were ie; Gr Ch Art (ROM), Gr Ch Zebo (ROM), Dbl Gr Ch Tornado, Ch Honeybunch (ROM), and Ch Yellow John (ROM) just to name a few with very similar qualities. ![]() Red Boy was the result of a father/daughter breeding of Teal's Jeff and Mc Leod's Susie Q Gal. Teal's Jeff was off of Teal's Sarge bred to Teal's Lou. Teal's Sarge was a pure Colby dog out of Colby's Dime bred to Colby's Margie. This combination of Red Boy/Cleo had produced top quality proven brood females, who in turn were bred back to Red Boy or other inbred Red Boy studs to strengthen and improve the line. The gameness of this line is legendary, and is what has made the Red Boy strain so highly desirable. These are fast starting fiery dogs with tremendous wind. Some would say that the only draw back to the Red Boy line is the lack of mouth, this is not the case with all Red Boy dogs, but has pretty well been accepted as the truth by most. It really comes down to a list of priorities, gameness versus mouth. His classic match against Cables Fang exemplifies
that: The Red Boy dogs gained their fame in the Carolina's, but their main introduction into the fast lane came with the cross of Ch. Jocko. Jocko, a Carolina dog himself, was a pit intelligent dog with good biting ability, something the Red Boy dogs did not have. Red Boy dogs were extremely game soft mouth dogs, with the exception of Chavis Ch Yellow John. Yellow John was the first of the Red Boy breeding to earn the title of champion. He was a 43lb. buckskin dog that won three in th South in 1980-1981. Yellow John went on to produce some of the most honest bulldogs of modern times Tant's Gr.Ch. Yellow. STP's Gr. Ch. John Boy, STP's Ch. Sassy, Super Gnat's' Boots (who holds the record for the longest recorded match in history, going 4:52 for the win), Melvin's 5X winner JR. and others. The Red Boy/Jocko cross continue to live on today and are exceptional fast lane dogs. Some of the most successful crosses with the Red Boy strain have been with: Red Boy/Jocko, Jeep/Red Boy, Jeep/Red Boy/Rascal, and more recently Red Boy/Patrick. These are all proven crosses that have taken the sporting game to a new level in performance. Some additional Red Boy dogs of note are Marlowe's Ch. Britches, Miller's Red Man a great producer in his day and the sire of Hoffman's Booger ROM, Marlowe's Rattler the sire of Ch. Britches, Marlowe's Mr. Bulldog the sire of both Peaches, Tabby Girl and Miret's Bud, who sired Ch. Gambler, and O. Stevens' Red Ape, who has produced Ch. Bear, Ch. Irish Rebel and many other winners.
In the early 1970's, in North Carolina, was a young fancier named Lonzo Pratt who was just starting in th dog game and was purchasing and breeding some well bred dogs from known dog men. He had purchased a young tested gyp from J. Loposay by the name of Fay, who was sold because she turned cold and wouldn't start for Jack Kelly and was left on Loposay's yard by Pete Sparks. After numerous breedings Lonzo struck fame from one breeding that conatined three males and two females. The two females were Lena and Rosie, the males were Crush, Vindicator, and Zero. Of the three males Zero and Vindicator would distinguish themselves as great match dogs. The better of the two was Zero, as Zebo was originally named, who gained his fame as a match dog and producer. In all, this black 40-44 lb. dog won a total of seven contract matches, thus becoming a registered Grand Champion, a Register Of Merit sire, and a member of the Bulldog Hall Of Fame, the only dog to be recognized by these three honors. Zebo's career began on the yard of Lester Hughes, "The Mountain Man", where he won four times, all quick kills. After his fourth he was shipped to the yard of Grady Cummings and while there, Cummings' Red Fox made the mistake of getting off his leash and ran into Zebo and was killed. Grady then made Lester get Zebo off of his yard. Zebo was then sold to Dave Adams' of Ohio, of whom Zebo is best associated with. At first Mr. Hughes hadn't intended on selling Zebo, but Mr. Adams came up with enough money to change his mind. His most noted match was against Ch. Greaser and how both sides thought they had trapped the other side by running in an "ace" on their opponent’s "average" dog. How wrong they both were. Champion Zebo was the black dog and Champion Greaser was the brindle. How they came to meet on a cool night in a barn in Ohio, is a complicated but interesting story. Champion Greaser was being campaigned at 44 pounds in and around Oklahoma and Champion Zebo was being matched around North Carolina at 40 pounds. "Greaser" was an extremely smart defensive type of dog that could really bite. He’d gained his deserved reputation by proving this in his first four matches against dogs that were not pushovers. Likewise, so had Zebo. The difference being Zebo’s matches were short ones, lasting only 22,26,17 and 33 minutes, all kills. After his fourth win, a man named Adams bought Zebo and took him back up north to Ohio. Adams had a friend named Hudson who had matched a dog at 44 pounds into a father and son team from St. Louis. Hudson’s dog was from Maurice Carver, and was a two time winner at 44 pounds named Tex. Hudson was a nice fellow but, could really get on your nerves bragging so much on his dog, because it was Tex this and Tex that, for as long as you would listen. I guess the team from St. Louis got tired of listening and just figured they would whip old Tex and shut Hudson up. Now, when you matched into this father and son team, you had better do three things, get a good dog, have the dog in good shape, and say your favorite prayer. As luck, or fate, or whatever you desire to call it goes, Tex got hurt in a chain fight and Hudson was going to have to pay the forfeit. Rather than give away money, he called Adams and offered Adams a deal. If Adams would take over the match with Zebo and win, Hudson would split the winnings with him and, if he lost Hudson would pay the whole bet. Adams had been walking Zebo and cutting his weight, for at that time there was a big convention in Mexico being matched up and Adams had turned Zebo’s weight in. The Mexican Convention was supposed to be the biggest and best ever put on but, the law intervened and it never did come about. Adams didn’t know the convention would fall apart, but he thought that as he had almost three months until the Mexican convention and Tex’s match was only three weeks away, that he could take over Tex’s match and win without getting hurt too much and still be healthy and set Zebo down in the Mexican convention. So, he agreed to take over the match, but told his backer that if Zebo wasn’t way ahead at 30 minutes he was going to pick him up, because he wanted to match him in the "Big Convention." Hudson agreed to this as with Zebo’s kill record…he would rather gamble and give up a few pounds to make it number 5 than give up the forfeit. Meanwhile, out in St. Louis, the "team" had a dog that was considered to be the best 44 pounder of his time. This Greaser had started out being called Yuebanks’ Greaser. If my information is correct, Yuebanks’ campaigned Greaser in his first four matches. All wins over some highly regarded opponents. Greaser had given his fans real reason to call him the best 44 pounder alive, as his opponents were good caliber dogs like Moloney’s Alligator and Mayfield’s Go Devils. The "Team" purchased Greaser especially for the Tex match since old Tex was a good dog in his own rights and the "team" knew they had to have an above average dog in order to beat Tex (how and why the "team" got Greaser is only hearsay on my part, the point is Greaser was the best 44 pounder alive. And he was the dog they had to use on Tex.) So we have the stage set. The Ohio boys have an "Ace" named Zebo, which the "team" doesn’t know about. And the "team" has an "ace" named Greaser tuning up that the Ohio boys don’t know about. Then it became time to put up or shut up for old Zebo, for Adams announced he was taking over Hudson’s match. The night of the battle of Champions arrived, with only Greaser’s side knowing now that they were going into Zebo. When they arrived, they wanted to see this "killer dog" they were matched into and laughingly said, "He don’t look like no killer to us." Adams, nor any of his backers, knew Zebo was going into a 4 x winner. They should have suspected something for fanciers from out west had driven all the way to Ohio to see Greaser knock off this killer dog. Jimmy Jobe, the editor of Pit Dog Report, a Mayfield magazine for bulldogs, drove all the way and didn’t even mention the match in his magazine. This match was one of the best kept secrets in the dog world and when the story of it taking place did start to circulate, the match was down played. The first report of it anywhere (that I am or was aware of) was in Richard Stratton’s book. When you read the account, it tends to make you believe Zebo "got lucky" and hurt Greaser bad at the beginning of the match. This is false as, Greaser was on all fours late in the fight. When the dogs were weighed, Zebo weighed just over 40 pounds. Greaser hit the scales at exactly 44 pounds. As Adams circulated among his backers before the match, he reminded everyone that he was giving up 4 pounds and was going to pick Zebo up at 30 minutes because he’d only worked him for three weeks and 4 pounds was too much to spot. As they released the two champions, you could bet all you wanted on Zebo and get odds of 3 to 1 or three hundred against your one hundred. As bets were laid and odds were taken, the name Greaser started to finally slip out. Zebo’s backers were aware finally that this was not going to be a walk over. People started to worry about their bet because Adams had warned that he was gone at 30 if Zebo wasn’t way ahead. Adams said later, "When Dogman and Johnson called me to the side of the pit at about the five minute mark, and told me they recognized the brindle dog as CH. Greaser, any thought of picking Zebo up at thirty minutes was gone. I knew I would let him battle as long as he had any chance to win. I realized that I didn’t have to go to Mexico to prove that Zebo was a great dog, the chance had come to me." As the match progressed, it could be basically reported in two sentences…."Greaser is extremely smart on defense and punishes Zebo bad about the head. Zebo is extremely smart on getting to the brisket and punishes Greaser bad in the chest." That is how close the match was. You would think that the four pounds would tip the scales in Greaser’s favor, but Zebo was ever so gradually getting a little bit deeper in the chest and even though Greaser was as smart as ever relying on defense, he was forced to allow Zebo in more often as the match grew older. The following is an accurate account of the match as can be made but, remember as you read this excerpt from Mr. Stratton’s book, that in this writer’s opinion ( and I was there), Zebo took Greaser down a notch at a time over the entire match, where here it tends to make you think that Greaser was destroyed early. Unfortunately, Zebo attacked Mr. Adams' son and nearly took his son's ear off. After the request of Mr. Adams' wife, Zebo was sold again, this time to Mr. Johnson who fought him twice more. The last time to a son of his litter mate brother, Vindicator. Mr. Johnson hoped to get another match in, but was unable to find any takers, despite the fact that Zebo was past seven at this point. Thus, Zebo was retired to stud, and lived to the age of 13, siring his last litter days before his death. He had lost sight at the end, due to the extensive damage he sustained, for no dog was ever able to get to his rear. During the time of Zebo's career as a match dog, there were two other dogs in his weight class that too was making names for themselves: Stinson & Glover's Gr. Ch. Art and Giroux' Ch. Gunner, 4X winner. It was planned to have a "round robbin" for the title of the greatest match dog.lj yjy[jl]yt]jjljld, were as each dog would go into each other to prove who was the greatest match dog. Each of these great dogs where relatively close to each other in regard to location. But, for whatever reasons, and hearsay has provided many, the matches never materialized. Vindicator, was a red/red nosed dog that many, who had witnessed him matched contend he was a better dog than Zebo. He was a two time winner, winning each in identical times of 1:30. One of those victories was over Finley's Ch. Bo. He lost his third to Cutchin's Ace. Vindicator died at a young age of heart worms. Rosie, like Vindicator, was also red/red nosed, but was never formally matched, though she was tested for 1:10. She simply was considered to ge too valuable as a brood bitch. She lived to the age of 10, dying also of heart worms a month after her last litter. Zebo produced Stepp's Ch. Willie and Adams' Ch. Katy when bred to Tomsic's Spider ROM. Ch. Willie was, as said by some, to have the same destructive force of his sire, by killing each of his opponents in times of :27, :54, and :29 minutes. Others produced by Zebo were Ch. Ruby, Ch. Abuelita, Ch. Zipper, Ch. Diamond Jim, Clemmon's 2XW Z-Boy, Nigger Tobe, Super Gnat's 2XW Blackie and Hughes' Gator just to name a few of the good dogs he sired. He is the grand sire to some great ones like Doc's Ch. Moe who was a Grand Champion until he ran into Red B's Ch. Charlie. Many said that Moe went to the well one time too many in his loss against Charlie. After his victories over Ch. Fargo and his brother Basket, too much was taken out of him to go into a much younger dog like Charlie. The breeding that produced Zebo and his litter mates was one of those outstanding litters that come only once in a while. Basically this breeding was a Dibo/ Old Family Red Nose/ Colby cross, which explains why all of Zebo's litter mates were red or red/ red nosed. But where did this one black dog come from? Many speculate Zebo wasn't bred as represented, for one Mr. Hughes purchased Zebo from Lonzo without any papers. Some claimed Mr. Hughes sold many different Zebo's. And a lot claim Zebo to be a half brother to another famous pair, Eli, Jr. and Bullyson. Although, Lonzo's Andy was a black dog himself and Zebo through nothing but black dogs, even when bred to various, different colored females, it still remains a question in a lot of people's minds. ![]() In 1990 The texas Iron Man Coy D. and a friend purchased some dogs from the yard of Joe Hoskins and Tony McCool. They left with some very good prospects and a 10 month old male, who was whelped in April of 1989, out of McCool's Sack and Hoskin's Betty Joe. Since the litter was out of Sack, who had quit in 1:42 against a good dog of Bo Well's, for this reason the litter was not high on Mr. McCool's list and wasn't worth much to him. As a matter of fact, the whole litter of six was offered to L.G. for $300. The 10 month old male was sold for $100 and was called Banjo. After a quick roll, at the age of 12 months, Banjo was then purchased by Coy from his friend for $150. At this time, The Texas Iron Man also returned to Hoskins and McCool's yard to purchase three more litter mates of Banjo $100 each. Two of these yearlings were culled and one female was kept, her name was BB Red. Still young, Banjo was matched into Wilson's Wolfy at 45 lbs. Wolfy couldn't scratch back. for number two, Banjo was matched into Anderson's Slick and it was over in :29 minutes. For his championship, The Oklahoma Boys brought their 2X winner named Grunt, it took Banjo :33 minutes to diperse of the 35 lb. black dog, who couldn't stand at that time and was believed to be dead. His fourth was into W. River's Ch. Vito, who was picked up at :43 and made adead game courtesy scratch. For his fifth and grand championship, Banjo went into Raul's 2X winner named Sonny Boy. It ended with Sonny Boy being picked up to save his life at :25. In an attempt to get Gr. Ch. Banjo matched once more, The Texas Iron Man and M.A.D. futilely petitioned R. Hall to use his Gr. Ch. Andy Capp in a battle of grand champions, unfortunately Mr. Hall declined these advances. Banjo and his litter mate sister, BB Red, both made grand champions at the young age of three and a half years old, and became the first brother and sister, registered grand champions. Banjo went on to become a Register Of Merit before his death, while his sister died in the summer of 1996. ![]() Tombstone was bred by the great breeder Don Maloney. Maloney sold to R. Petronelli as a young dog, who then sold or traded him to Don Mayfield, where he was raised. His sire was Maloney's Toot, who was a son of Tudor's Spike out of Carver's Black Widow. Toot was a devastatingly hard biter who had produced dogs that passed that trait to their progeny. another son of Toot who was a great producer of hard mouth dogs was Maloney's Davis, who sired Ch. Our Gal Sunday, Ch. Cobra, and Ch. Black Sabbath. Tombstone's dam Speedy Alan Jena, was a scatter bred bitch containing dogs from P. Sparks, H. Heinzl, J. Corvino, and E. Tudor breedings. Tombstone was matched one time and after that one victory he was retired to stud, after being available for a second match with no takers. This match was against Bobby Hall and a 2X winning son of Bullyson, named fittingly Bullyson, Jr. Ed Weaver was putting on a show and notified Bobby Hall that Don Mayfield had a 55 lb. male open, so Bobby Hall accepted the challenge. Ironically, Mr. Hall conditioned Bullyson, Jr. at Mayfield's house, at the same time, Don was conditioning Tombstone for this match. The match was one sided for the first hour with Tombstone on defense and Bullyson, Jr. on offense with stifle holds. At the hour mark it appears about even, at 1:09 both dogs are down and at 1:14 an out of hold is called with Tombstone making a hard scratch. Bobby Hall concedes the match at 1:25 making Tombstone a winner in a game, come from behind effort. Shortly after that match Pat Patrick paid a visit to Mayfield's in hopes of purchasing some good dogs, he was offered Tombstone. Pat purchased Tombstone, but left him there until, he was matched again, which never happened. After the 14 months that he remained at Mayfield's in hopes of another match, Mr. Patrick requested Mayfield to send him his dog. Upon arrival to Pat's yard, Tombstone was then bred to about 15 bitches. Due to the fact that he was a long legged, rangy looking and scatter bred dog, he wasn't in high demand as a stud. Of his few breedings, one to a daughter of Indian Bolio named Red Baby, he produced champions Tonka, Crash, and Uptown's Snubby. He also produced Ch. Reno, Dozer, and Gr. Ch. Hope just to name a few of his progeny. Tombstone died a few years later from heart worms, as back then the cure was sometimes worse than the malady. Champion Rascal was born in 1972 on the yard of Maurice Carver and was later owned by James Crenshaw. Rascal won 5 contracted matches, 6 off the chain and suffered just 1 lost, and that was his first. His first match was at 52lbs. against C. Sykes' Sampson, and took the count a 1:52. At this same match Ch. Honeybunch won her second match in :28. In 1974 Rascal met Wood's Snooty, again at 52lbs. and this close match ended in 1:57. For his third match and second win, he defeated Irish Jerry's Soldier in 1:30. For his championship, he won over Baxter's Booger in 1:16 at 48lbs., which turned out to be his ideal weight. He then had wins over Hughes' & Hick's Big Boy in 1:45 and Langston's Satan in 1:19. Champion Rascal wasn't noted for possessing a devastating mouth, as some would have had many believe, but he was a very game dog as all of his matches went over the hour mark. he fought any style, but preferred to work the head. Not many dogs could put Rascal behind. Even in his loss to Sampson, Sampson died within an half an hour after the match. His ability to produce is evident in the likes of Gr. Ch. Pedro, Ch. Rascal, Jr., Demon, Sugar, Bandit, Polly, and Krypto just to name a few of his offspring. Rascal died at the age of 11 in 1983, but will be remembered as one of the best. The late Barney Fife and his brother, Matt, went traveling through North Carolina to visit Mrs. Loposay and then go to the Fork Farm, to see Mr. Grady Cummings. Upon arrival to Mrs. Loposay's, they were able to see the great producer Buster, who made an attempt to bite both of them. From there they drove to Red Springs, to the home of G. Cummings, who had a yard of Eli bred dogs. Grady was a talkative and personable individual, who would recite the pedigrees of each dog on his yard as he passed them. Grady never officially matched a dog. He would purchase match dogs and breed them to his stock. His claim for not matching his dogs was that if they came from a line of match dogs, then they should be able to produce match dogs themselves. But, to his credit, he did put some of his dogs in capable hands to be matched. While Barney Fife and Matt was there, they had the fortune of seeing a short roll involving a red male named Eli, III. Some notable dogs from Cummings yard were Ch. Tom (who produced the great Saloon dog, who in turn produced the double Gr. Ch. Tornado), Annie Oakley (out of Mosely's Smeller), Dear Abbey (out of Eli, Jr. and Clemmon's Sandy), Red Fox, Dutch Boy and Young Dutch Boy to name a few. The three then traveled to Jim Williams' home to see the two new acquisitions just purchased from Maurice Carver. They were two yearlings, one red and the other black. The black was named Paladin. Paladin was rolled, during his schooling, in a field of tall grass and was separated from his opponent. He was then walked 50 yards away to see if he would scratch. When released he mowed the grass down, streaking towards his opponent, proving his desire to continue. Paladin was sired by Hyde's Satchmo Bully out of Rorex' Black Lady. This is blood closely related to Gr. Ch. Art and Crenshaw's Ch. Hurt, who were both out of Java, a daughter of Black Lady. Black Lady went back to the blood of Ed. Crenshaw's Reno, which accounted for his black color and finishing instinct. Paladin who his first match in close to two hours. The length of time was mainly due to Paladin staying in hold on a down dog, making a handle impossible. Paladin's second match was into Big Boy, who gave a good account for himself in a losing effort against Ch. Rascal. Big Boy was an uncle to Gr. Ch. Zebo, from a line of dogs noted for their ability. The dogs were released on a freezing morning with Paladin doing the driving, while Big Boy rode the head in defense. However, Paladin was applying too much pressure and was soon overwhelming Big Boy. Handles became difficult, since Paladin very rarely came out of hold. By :48 a handle was made and Big Boy declined to scratch. Paladin went on to win his championship with a win over his nephew, also from the yard of Carver. After a tough 30 minutes, Paladin was in control and Maurice told the handler to pick up the other dog and concede the match. Paladin's ability to produce can be found in dogs like Quincy, Ch. Wild Thing, Hanna, Monster Man, Ch. Tyrone, Ch. Trackdown, Ch. Stephano, Gr. Ch. Cheif, and many other winners. ![]() Chinaman was born on the yard of R. Abernathy on November 29, 1977. He was one of three pups born to Abernathy's Molly and sired by Wood's Trouble. Molly always seemed to have 3 pups. This time there was Chinaman, Boy and a female who would be named Onyx Lady (who went to the owner of Trouble, Dr. Wood). Boy would end up in the hands of G. Wright, where he would win three matches. Chinaman was raised by R. Abernathy and when he came of age he was placed with Dr. Wood to find out what he was made of. In 1981, V & B bought a dog from Kimsey Woods called Double Trouble, they had bought this dog to run in the fast lane with on the west coast and after rolling him out they found out they were pleased with his gameness, but disappointed with his ability and bite. They contacted Kimsey and he told them he had a good rough dog that had just rolled with Wood's Sundance and had crippled Sundance, it was Chinaman. So V & B decided to trade Double Trouble for Chinaman. Double Trouble went on to win two and lost one game in 2 hours and twenty minutes. He arrived full of hookworms and roundworms and weighed only 42 lbs., 4 lbs. below his eventual best match weight of 46 lbs. Rob kept him on a long cable run and tried to help him overcome his emaciated state. Chinaman thanked him by biting him, so Rob shipped him to Vince. It was love at first sight. Vince wormed Chinaman and scheduled a roll for him. After a 3-hour drive Chinaman was nauseated and dehydrated. He was pitted 10 lbs. uphill against a powerful red dog named Ch. Ceasar who proceeded to mop the floor with him. When the big dog tired, Chinaman went to the stifles and punched very hard. Even though he was still nauseated and underweight he came up from the bottom to bite down and stop Ceasar at: 28. Chinaman's next roll was into Doc, a highly respected wrecker. If he could hang with Doc for even 10 minutes, Chinaman would be worth a bet. Doc came out hard and slammed Chinaman into the corner and tried to trade with Chinaman. Big mistake! Chinaman hit the gut and killed the Doctor in his own living room in 17 minutes! It was clear Chinaman was something special. For his first two matches, Chinaman was hooked into respected head dogs that some expected to weather the storm and challenge the killing stifle and gut dog. Like their predecessors, neither lasted to the half-hour mark with Chinaman. For his third, a match was made with the highly renowned Gray's Hubcap who had dispatched the famous Red Danger dog in a classic 2-hour encounter. Vince and Rob traveled 7 hours with their dog and when they arrived, odds of 5-1 were being offered against Chinaman. The betting line changed dramatically after the dogs were released. Chinaman drove Hubcap into the corner on his back and this is where the match ended 18 minutes later. Hubcap was a memory and Chinaman was proclaimed a champion and best in show. Suddenly no one had a 45-46 lb. male. Respectable dog men avoided him like the plague. Finally, when he was 7 years old, some determined fellows bought an expert head dog from R. Jackson, just to take out the aging Ch Chinaman. The dog from Jackson showed a lot of ability, but it wasn't enough to keep out an athlete of Chinaman's caliber. Chinaman worked past his defenses and curred him out in 38 minutes. This had been Chinaman's longest match, but the outcome was the same as always: he destroyed everything in his path. For all who witnessed his matches, Chinaman became known as one of the roughest ever and a true finisher. According to scientific tests, he had the air of a greyhound. According to all who saw him, he had the mouth of an alligator. He was very clever. He would outsmart slick ear and nose dogs and cur them out. He would finish straight-ahead dogs even faster. Swapping-out was his game. Like all the truly great ones, Chinaman's build was like a sleek, muscular thoroughbred. The Chinaman name appears in many of today's pedigrees. His contribution as a producer equals, or exceeds his dominance as a performer. Among his better known offspring were Ch. Eightball, Ch. Cotton, Ch. Chinabuck, Ch. Chinagirl, Ch. Stormy, Ch. Missy, Ch. Chinarose, Ch. Ninja and Ch. Crock. He had three sons (Brodt's Boar, Cottingham's Cotton, and Shockley's Header) go over the 3-hour mark on the same weekend! Perhaps his greatest contribution is as a producer of producers, as his son Frisco ROM has produced champions and grand champions. Cholly Boy was a product of the Geist's Easy / O. Stevens' Old Charlie breeding. Cholly Boy was a well put together dog that seemed to favor Ozzie's old Homer stock. Campained by Ozzie Stevens into some of the very best from the North. None of his matches were walk-overs as all of them went over the hour and a half mark. In his first match, he went into Captain America and his dog Herman. This match lasted 1:33, and Herman proved to be a dead game dog. For Cholly Boy's second, he went into Buffalo Soldier's Mister, who was from Rebel Kennels' breeding. Mister won a few before this match and was highly regarded. Cholly Boy won this match in 1:32. Ozzie was a little worried before the match as Cholly Boy had gotten a serious kidney infection towards the end of the keep, but went through with the show and even at 60% healthy, Cholly Boy came out with the victory. The third match was into STP's Revenge. It was set in a private location, outside on a cool autumn night. Both dogs weighed in at 46 and at "release your dogs" they met in the middle with Cholly Boy coming up with an ear hold and Revenge getting in and driving for the front end. This was the pace for a while with Revenge only getting the chest every now and then and would throw Cholly Boy and get in the throat. But, whatever Revenge would do to Cholly, Cholly would come up and do it back, but harder and longer. Then he would land back on the head with Revenge driving and Cholly steering. Both dogs were real pit smart, Revenge was trying at every chance to run Cholly into the walls to get a hold of something, but just before he would get there Cholly would steer him around to the middle of the pit. The pace of the match was real fast for two 46 pound dogs, both were moving fast and were on their feet for the first 1:20. When it seemed they took their first moment of breath, one dog was always in hold and it usually was Cholly Boy with Revenge constantly trying to get in and go to work. At the point of the fight, it seemed that Cholly knew it was time to go in and finish Revenge, so he started working the throat more and more and Revenge was becoming less effective in keeping him out. It was at this point that Cholly started to bite harder and popped a bleeder in the shoulder of Revenge at 1:27. Revenge turns at 1:30, a handle was made and Revenge goes over straight and true. Now Cholly Boy is in trying to finish Revenge in the throat and it was obvious that Revenge had no chance and Cholly Boy wasn't going anywhere. At 1:39 STP asks if Ozzie will scratch to win, it is agreed and Cholly Boy goes open right back into the throat of Revenge. Then Revenge gives on hell of a game courtesy and was picked up by STP to go another day. This was Cholly Boy's third, but I'd say his most famous match was into Jesse Rod's Whitefoot, down from J. Rod's Gr. Ch. Midnight blood. This was one of those classic matches that sort of mirrored the Ch. Homer vs Jeep match as it went three hours, with Cholly Boy the victor. Unfortunately, Cholly Boy passed shortly after the match. Ch. Cholly Boy would not expend any more energy then he had to, to wear his opponent down and when he felt it was time to finish one, he did. When Ozzie was asked who he ranked as the best dog he has owned, he replied Ch. Cholly Boy. This coming from a man who has owned the likes of Gr. Ch. Snake, Jr., Gr. Ch. Virgil, Ch. Homer, Ch. Tammy, Ch. Zero, Ch. Suzy, Ch. Rastus and many others. ![]() Here is a little bit about a fine bulldog named "Destroyer". His registered name was "Yellow Buck" and was bred and raised by Jesse of Stone City Kennels. Yellow Buck was sired by Gr. Ch. Buck ROM out of Stone City Kennels' Awesome Baby ROM. Yellow Buck was dark brindle, with a red nose and he weighed about 53lbs. conditioned. His first match was at the age of two and a half against Tension Turf Kennels from ST. Croix. and their dog David Koresh (a half brother to the famous Gr. Ch. IBM) battled with Yellow Buck for 1:05 and was picked up game. For his second match he went into Dennis and Hector's Brick at 52lbs. Yellow Buck finished Brick right in the pit with only one hold, deep in the stifle. That match only lasted seven minutes, Dennis and Hector picked Brick up, but it was too late. From there on he never looked back. For his championship Jessie had to look off Puerto Rico for another opponent, because noone wanted any parts of Destroyer. Death Row Kennels answered the call with their 2X winner Predator, so Stone City and Co. traveled to South Jersey for this match. This proved to be Yellow Buck's toughest match and he wasn't supposed to come home alive. The dogs swapped it out for about :45 until Death Row decided to pick up Predator, thus making Yellow Buck a champion. After about a year off with no takers, some dogmen from Florida stepped up with Bulldog P.'s Tere, a 1X winner out of Havana Boys' Sandal and Rebel Kennels' Gr. Ch. Shady Lady. They Flew down to Puerto Rico, but Yellow But was on the warpath and he made Tere stand the line at :27. For his fifth, they hooked up with Work Kennels and their dog Buster, also a 4X winner. Work Kennels also flew down to Puerto Rico and after 1:30, they picked up Buster making Yellow Buck an official Grand Champion. He was the second Gr. Ch. to come from the yard of Stone City Kennels out of Awesome Baby. ![]() Bolio was bred by Maurice Carver and Eddie Klaus in 1969. His sire was the famous pit ace Klaus' Zeke and his dam was Klaus' Goldie. Bolio's pedigree is very heavy in the blood of a bitch named Carver's Judy and her sister the great Carver's Black Widow. In fact he carried fifty percent of this blood in his breeding. Bennett Clayton of Texas bought Bolio from Carver and sent him to Floyd Boudreaux to be matched, he was hooked into a dog that had killed both of his previous opponents. This dog's name was Rowdy. Bolio was contracted into Rowdy twice. The first time Floyd was not content with Bolio's conditioning for the fight, he knew that Bolio must be perfect to fight a dog of this caliber. After Floyd paid the forfeit he set up a new match with Rowdy for the big night of a southern convention. This time Bolio was in great shape and when they hit, it was a real war. Bolio killed Rowdy in about two hours and was voted best in show! At this same convention, there were many champions being shown and among them was Davis' Grand Champion Boomerang. I was not at this fight and I got my information from other dog men and the sporting dog magazines. Sometime after the fight Bolio was sold to a fancier in southern California. The new owner of Bolio was not interested in matching him again, even though I felt he was the best 43 lb. dog alive at the time. He decided to use him as a stud dog and that was the best use for him. Bolio was so talented he never got hurt in rolls. I was lucky enough to see him roll many times against all kinds of dogs including dogs that were up to 15 pounds larger than he. He handled ALL his opponents with ease. I have not seen a large number of the famous foundation dogs fight and maybe some of them were better dogs than Bolio. I have seen many fast lane dogs in action since these foundation dogs faded into the past and I can say that Bolio is the best dog I have ever seen pound for pound. He was not an extremely hard biter, but he could shut his mouth. He was very skilled at keeping his holds and sometimes it would appear that he was glued to his rivals head, he liked to fight the head. He was very strong and fast wrestler and would quickly get his hold and then use his body weight and muscle power to wear the opponent down while punishing him the whole time. He would move in such a way that the other dog would be carrying most of Bolio's weight with him. When the other dog would slow down from the head holds, Bolio would go into the throat. If a dog did happen to get Bolio off his head, Bolio would go toe to toe with him, but not for long. Bolio would work his way back to the head and again be in total control. He was the fastest, smartest, and most effective head dog that I have ever seen. He had natural air and I never saw him slow down. He was a very intense dog and he loved to fight. When in the corner he would scream with rage until he was released into the other dog. Occasionally, he would bite you if not released quick enough. Bolio as a producer was the best stud dog that I know of that ever lived. He was bred to some poor cur bitches and produced excellent pit dogs from them. When he was bred to good bitches, those results were amazing. Some friends of mine had a dispute with Bolio's owner and ended up taking the dog while he was at church. I had no part in the taking of Bolio from his owner's yard and do not know the details of the dispute between him and my friends. I don't use his name because the purpose of this article is to praise Bolio, not to put down his former owner. Bolio's former owner had stolen dogs from me and so I feel that I owed him nothing. When the people who took Bolio offered me breeding rights to the dog, I accepted immediately. Bolio remained on my yard until he died at the age of thirteen. He would sire litter after litter of good dogs and I would rate him as a better stud dog than my Tombstone dog, who was also a great stud in his own right. Bolio produced fine dogs from all his breedings, no matter what the bloodline was. His pups carried the same traits that made him such a great dog. When I bred a daughter of Bolio's, Red Baby, to Tombstone, the result was thirteen very good dogs. Eight of these dogs won 20 matches. The other five was used as brood bitches. Champion Tonka, Champion Snubby, Champion Crash, and Creamator were some of the better known dogs I sold from this breeding. One of the first bitches I bred to Bolio was Faith, a Clouse bitch. This breeding produced eight game and talented dogs, including Chen Leng and Champion Princess. Red Baby's mother was a sister to Offer's Crazy Babe, a pure Clouse bitch. Red Baby's litter was a bunch of great dogs. I had a bitch named Tuffy that was heavy in Clouse blood. She was by Tater and Faith, and when I bred her to Bolio, I got some very good dogs including Bull Boy Bob ROM and Champion Dugan. Bolio worked well with good Tombstone and Clouse bitches. He also sired good ones to great dogs out of bitches from the bloodlines of Eli Jr. and Ironhead. This reminds me of a statement made by Ricky Jones. He said, "My favorite bloodlines are the Eli / Ironhead cross dogs that came from Maurice during the early and mid seventies. Percentage wise these dogs will get you to the pit more times than any other bloodline out there. There are a lot of good dogs from other bloodlines, but over all you will get more dog for your money and time from the Eli/Ironhead line." Ricky Jones can run any bloodline he wants and he has a right to his own opinion. I don't think any bloodline is so superior to the other top bloodlines that it wins every time. However, Ricky stated very clearly that his dogs will win more that any other, now how in the hell would he know this to be a fact, he never used anything except the Eli blood and did 99.9% of his winning in his own back yard! I say his opinion is weak and wrong! I owned and saw dogs of Bullyson, Eli Jr., and Ironhead when Ricky still had his hound dogs. I say the Bolio blood is superior and I sold my Bullyson-Eli Jr., dogs to make room for the Bolio blood that I breed. I talked with Carver on many occasions and he told me more than twice that the Bolio dogs are his best without a doubt. In the whole article he never spoke about two of the best dogs he owned, Chome and Chocolate Soldier. These two dogs won 4 matches for him and they were bred by Diamond Jim out of a Bolio bitch bred to the great Luther dog. The mother of Chome and Soldier was Patrick's Rose. I understand that Jones had a lot of wins to his credit, but the fact is that a puppy I sold as a pet beat Grand Champion Sandman even though Sandman outweighed him by 3 lbs. I am talking about Grand Champion Buck, a Bolio dog. If Ricky can make a statement that his dogs are the best, I can tell you that the people with Bolio dogs aren't losing any sleep over his "Honest Dogs." I would not trade one good Bolio dog for any of his dogs. I quess most serious dog men run the line of dogs they like the best. Bolio's blood is by far the biggest part of my yard. Almost all my dogs have some Bolio blood in them and many are 60-70% Bolio blood. I don't think you get the best results by just inbreeding on one good dog. You need other good bloodlines to cross them with and to keep them strong. I am without a doubt the biggest Bolio fan in the world and i have been bragging about him for twenty years. Maurice Carver told me that "all the Bolio dogs will do for you is win. Lots of people don't like them after they win, but they get the job done!" Eddie Klaus and Maurice Carver deserve the credit for breeding Bolio and his great litter mates Mendicino, Andy Capp, Daisy, and Leggs Diamond. All I did was realize his potential as a stud dog. I am sure I would still have bulldogs if I had never heard of Bolio, but I know my yard is a better yard because of him. If I could have any dog that lived in the past, today, as a two year old dog, I would take Bolio!
In the late 1970's and early 1980's, Mr. Fletcher Chavis bred some dogs that any dogman would be proud to own. Much of his original stock was from that grand old dog, Champion Yellow John ROM and for years Mr. Chavis campaigned with that inbred Red Boy dogs that he had gotten from RT Bass. He was rated one of the best. During the mid 1970's an outstanding discovery was made. Vernon Jackson had a dog that he had gotten from Don Mayfield that he called Hank, inbred from Mayfield's Lightning II blood. Hank never started until he was three years old, but when he did, he not only turned out to be a phenominal performer but an excellent producer as well. He was bred to a bitch of Bob Rast's called Queenie and from that litter came Jocko, Argo, Pearl, Apple, and a few other good ones. Mr. Chavis ended up with Jocko and that was the beginning of the famous Red Boy/ Jocko bloodline. Mr. Chavis campaigned with Jocko and he looker to be unbeatable due to the inherited trait of Hank's backend style. Jocko became a champion and was retired to stud. Jocko was bred to his sister Apple and several inbred bitches that he sired. These bitches were bred to Yellow John, a triple inbred son of Tramp Red Boy, and that was the beginning of Jocko's fame as a producer. Out of these breedings came Tant's Gr. Ch. Yellow ROM, Gainey's JR., Chavis' Roho, STP's Gr. Ch. John Boy and his littermate brother Ch. Toro, alnog with Super Gnat's dead game Boots and a host of others. However, there is another side of this story that few people knew about. Mr. Chavis had a bitch by the name of Lady Sassy Mead. She was half Red Boy and half Lonzo's breeding. He bred Lady Sassy Mead to Champion Jocko and created a whole new strain of dogs. In that litter came Dangerous Dan, Thor, Margarett and Rose. Rose was the grand dam of Gr. Ch. Yellow and Jr. However, these dogs were black in color and were thought not to be up to the standards of the original stock and were sold as pets. Carolina Kennels purchased a son out of Dangerous Dan and a friend purchased a male and a female. The male Carolina Kennels purchased was called Termite. Termite's first show was in 1983 with Hargroves. Termite came in over the weight and had to pay a forfeit. Later on in that year, Termite got hooked into Tant. Tant he a reputation of being one of the best dogmen in the south and many of Carolina's friends thought they was being too cocky going into him. Termite was declared the winner in :38. Next, Termite won over Jacky S. in :20 minutes and was ready for his Championship match. Crenshaw and Tugboat had won several matches and both had outstanding reputations. Carolina Kennels couldn't resist the oppurtunity of gonig into the best. Tugboat lived up to his rep for the first :30, then those Jocko traits started kicking in and Termite was the winner at :58. Well, by this time Carolina Kennels was satisfied with Termite's performance and was concidering his retirement, but again couldn't resist another challenge. This time it was the grand old man himself, Fletcher Chavis. Terms of the contract couldn't be agreed upon, so Mr. Chavis sold the dog to Rastaman and said that Big Joe had the perfect style to beat Termite. Rastaman's Big Joe put on a great show, but at 1:17 Termite won his fourth. Termite was retired after this and was put out to stud. He has produced some very good dogs among the best is Gr. Ch. Cirus. Cirus won 5, including a victory over Solo's Champion Thunder. Termite died in November of 1995. ![]()
Throughout the history of the sporting American Pit Bull Terriers, no single dog has made quite the impact as Garrett's CH. Jeep, and that being the combination of not only his worthiness as a supreme pit dog, but the ultimate supremacy of his reproduction. Jeep was bred by James Crenshaw and sold to James Garrett as a young dog and was campaigned and brought to notoriety by James Garrett asssisted by James Crenshaw. Jeep achieved his fourth win over Ozzie Stevens' Ch. Homer. This fight making history, for the caliber of these two dogs meeting in the pit is unusual in itself. Although, Jeep the victor, Homer, in his own rights, had proved to be just as good a combat dog and both dogs were truly entitled to the legacy that they have earned through this match. Now that the formidable worth of Jeep has been established, we will go on to the greatest asset this dog ever possessed and that was his ability to reproduce a staggering figure of Champions, one Grand Champion and numerous one and two time winners. The conversation at many conventions always leads to great dogs and a dispute of which bloodlines are the best to utilize to get the highest percentage of game and winning dogs. I have often heard this one statement being passed when Jeep's name is brought up as to his high figure on the R.O.M. (Register Of Merit) list and that is, well look how many bitches JEEP was bred to to create the amount of Champions he has sired. My answer to those dogmen is this. Take three major pit dogs that are from outstanding bloodlines such as STP's Grand Champion Buck, six time winner, STP's Champion Toro and Burton's Grand Champion Hank, as these three were considered exceptional pit dogs and many utilized these three different bloods for the sole purpose of producing or establishing new lines from them. All three lived approximately to the same age which was ten years. Two were campained approximately the same time and died not to far apart, that being, Ch. Toro and Gr. Ch. Hank. Hank made his pit history prior to theirs, but was bred as many times as Jeep, if not more. Gr. Ch. Buck, probably second to Hank in the amount of his breedings and Toro, who was bred to 23 different bitches during this period. The fact is all three of these great dogs combined together, produced about half the number of Champions as Jeep has. So common, sense will tell you how many champions doesn't hold water. In retrospect, dogs like Ch. Homer, Gr. Ch. Art, and Tombstone who was bred limited amounts of times and was still able to produce high quality dogs should also be considered. Certain dogs should be on the ROM list considering the number of times they have been bred, like: Jeep, Buck, Yellow, Frisco and Mayday to name a few. Some of the crosses which are well known where Jeep created some great dogs and the blood seems to click the best with are Jeep / Red Boy and Jeep / Rascal. Ch. Jeep was born in August 1976 on the yard of James Crenshaw, in the famous litter of Finley's Ch. Bo ROM to Crenshaw's Ch. Honeybunch ROM. That produced four champions. The most famous of the four was Ch. Jeep ROM. But there was also Crenshaw's (Super Gnat's) Ch. Charlie, who has been said to have been a better pit dog than Jeep. Ch. Missy who is seen in alot of pedigrees today, and Swetman's Ch. Holly, who was said to be a terrible biter with lots of ability. This was a great litter that was made once, for reasons that I don't know. CH. Jeep is believed by many to be one of the best match dogs of his time. Defeated Pylant's Ch. Kato at 43 pounds in :28 minutes. Cooper's Weenie also at 43 pounds in :58 minutes. Stinson & Stepp's Black Dog, who was said to be a three time winner at 42 pounds in two hours and five minutes. And, for his fourth and final match we went into Ozzie Stevens' Ch. Homer, at 43 pounds and won in 3:45. This was one of those classic matches, that history is made from. Two great game dogs met, and only one could win. One created a legacy and the other a dynasty. ![]() In March of 1995 a young black male dog called "Tex" was brought to MAD's yard. The dog was owned by Smokey of Texas and was obtained from Chicago Mike by buying a pregnant bitch that had been bred to Well's Ch. Oscar. Tex was your typical Eli, Jr./ Bullyson bred looking dog. His body was long, muscular and big headed. He had big cutters to match. When Tex turned 14 months old, Smokey was concerned if the dog would even start. So, MAD agreed to help school the young dog. At the time Dead Serious was looking for match dogs and MAD had a proven one-time winner the size of Tex for sale. After only :15 mins, he had killed his first opponent at an early age. The first :08 minutes Tex buried deep in the shoulders, teeth sunk to the gums. For the remaining :07 minutes, he laid deep inside the kidney area until the one-time winner layed dead. Dead Serious was convinced and bought Tex from Smokey and changed his name to better suit him. "El Diablo Negro", which translates to "The Black Devil". Diablo was later rolled about 6 or 7 times in their yard with none of his rolls going over 8 minutes without being stopped. After witnessing Diablo roll, their friend Mr. Woods told them something that molded their philosophy. He said, "Son, put that black dog into shape and I'll find you a roll to see how game he is. You bring the dog and I'll bet the money! If you still don't know what to do after that, let him heal up and put him back into shape again. I'll find you a roll, bet the money and you bring Diablo!!" Well, needless to say, they found the roll and they bet the money. For Diablo's first match, we were hooked up into Aries Kennels at 47 lbs. At this time, Diablo was twenty months old and was headed south of the border to their backyard, Mexico. On the morning of the show, Diablo weighed in at 51 lbs, some 4 lbs overweight. But, by 9:00 PM that night, after being walked, rubbed and emptied, Diablo made weight which was somewhat hard on him. The show was definitely still on!! Upon arriving on location we discovered that Aries Kennels had gone out and borrowed another kennel's dog. The dog was Espy's Joker, a two-time winner and a two-time best of show. Diablo dominated the Joker dog from start to finish and by the :33 minute mark Joker sat the line. For Diablo's second match some 5 months after his first win, they was hooked into Norman K.'s Drexal, him also being a two-time winner and a truly deep-game bulldog. Only this time they traveled east to "Cajun Country" Louisianna with Diablo now being 25 months old. this match was being used as a measurement of where they stood with Diablo. Being matched into Mr. K., a legend and one of, if not the most well respected and honored people in the game, truly made it an honor. Drexal was to be Diablo's toughest and longest match to becoming a champion. Had Drexal not met up with Diablo, he would have had a long and more promising career in the game. The box was 16' by 16', but it could have been 10' by 10' and neither dog would have touched the walls. It was truly a classic match "Southern Style" with Diablo's speed and extremely hard mouth rapidly becoming the deciding factors. Finally, at the :38 minute mark, Drexal was picked up and brought to his corner for courtesy scratch. Upon Drexal's release he had fallen a total of three times catching himslef with his muzzle until finally lunging and taking hold of Diablo to complete a scratch that proved him to be dead game. After an hout of work on Drexal, he couldn't be saved, but will always be remebered as a truly dead game bulldog. Soon after that match, Diablo was hooked into Pete the Greek & Moe's Ch. Brazra, a four-time winner at 47 lbs. A forfeit was paid to Ch. Brazra because Diablo could no longer make that weight and the fight would never go off. Diablo was matched for his championship about 8 months later and at 33 months of age. It was agreed that this match needed to be an against all odds type of match for the two-time winner. So to confirm everything, DSK felt he was capable of doing and more, so they headed north. This time, traveling to their opponent's back yard once more, over 1500 miles from home to the "Big Apple", New York City, "where all lanes are fast". The match was set at 48 lbs, into the Gator Boyz and their dog Dunga. After tow hours of waiting past the scheduled time of the show, Dunga arrives. He weighed in at a conditioned 49 1/2 lbs. and with Diablo being on weight. Diablo being 1500 miles from his home in Texas now had to push an additional pound and a half. Just one more odd to go against. Once the dogs were released, Diablo took control, but at the :03 minute mark Dunga had the tip of Diablo's muzzle and had suddenly torn Diablo's nose from the bone which had him breathing through the mouth. The odds were again stacked higher, but after :21 minutes of being dominated, Dunga shut it down with this turning out to be Diablo's easiest victory of his career. Afterwards, El Diablo Negro was retired to stud. Butcher Boy was bred by Frank Fitwater. He was born in Irving, TX on June 4, 1967. Norman Hooten obtained Butcher Boy at 6 weeks of age by trading $50.00 worth of horseshoeing to a man who knew Frank and had a litter of pups, but said that Frank would not sell a dog to a stranger or to anyone who did not come with references. The man introduced Norman to Frank, the deal was made and he picked up his pup, or rather he picked him since he was the only one that came up to him and grabbed him by the pants legs and started shaking like a true bulldog. Frank and Norman became close friends and remained the same until Frank's death. Butcher developed rapidly and later proved to be an outstanding dog. He was first rolled at 12 monthsof age against his littermate brother, Weaver's Mike. It was at this time that Norman knew that he had a special dog as he went deep into the shoulder and left holes like a 12-gauge shotgun. When scratched, he went low, hard and very fast with power like a fullback. Mike, who was owned and campaigned by Ed Weaver, went on to become a champion in his own right at a lighter weight than Butcher Boy, winning three and losing one. The one loss was because he went blind during the match adn couldn't find his opponent in time to beat the count. At 16 months of age Butcher Boy was rolled into Carver's Rastus. This roll was better than many contracted matches witnessed by Norman. Maurice picked Rastus up at the :20 minute mark, stating that Butcher Boy was just too big for him, which he was. Norman believed that it was at that roll that Maurice start to take a real interest in Butcher Boy, though he was still doubtful about his gameness. Rastus went on to prove his greatness in his loss to the Tater dog i California in a match that went over 2 hours. Rastus proved beyond a doubt that he was indeed "dead game". After a three dog test, Norman and Maurice started looking for a match and Maurice finally called and asked if he wanted to match into the 2X winner, Kennedy's Booger Red. He agreed and the match was made, set for the Oklahoma Convention. Danny Burton conditioned and handled Booger Red for this match. For the first :20 minutes both dogs had been fighting even, when Butcher Boy threw Booger Red and took a killing chest hold, cutting a artery, causing blood to spurt. After working this hold a few times, it was visible that Booger Red was in trouble. Red got to his feet, but could no longer fight even with Butcher Boy. A turn was called on Red at about the :30 minute mark. Red made agood, hard scratch, but was put down by Butcher Boy. A pickup and Butcher Boy went fast, knocking Red down and shaking hard. At about the :45 minute mark Red had about all he was capable of taking, when he was released he was unable to stand...he fell on the floor too weak to move. Butcher Boy the winner in :46. Booger Red took his death without a whimper. It was in Butcher Boy's 2nd match, in 1969 in Mississippi, against Edward's Luke, a 2X winner, that Butcher Boy scratched into Luke so hard that he actually knocked Luke's handler completely OUT of the pit at least 5 times. At :15 minutes, a turn was called on Butcher Boy. Edwards was having a hard time holding his dog in the corner. :18 Luke scratches good with Butcher Boy meeting him in the center, hard. :21 Butcher scratches like a jet. The next 7 scratches came almost once every minute until Luke goes down in his corner and takes the count at :33 minutes, making Butcher Boy a 2X winner. Butcher Boy's dam, Womack's Big Liz was also on the card for this convention winnig in :28 minutes. The "Day of the Upsets" was in 1972 and that was day that Butcher Boy won his championship match over Corn's Smokey, a son of Bullyson. He was the only favorite to win his match, which went :18 minutes as Smokey just could not take what Butcher Boy had for him and quit cold. On this same card Bullyson was defeated by his son Benny Bob. Shortly after his win over Smokey, it ws determined that he had heartworms adn was subsequently treated twice for the deadly parasite and retired from combat. His true test came in 1973 at six years of age when he was brought out of retirement, after being treated for heart worms twice, to go into the 2X winner, Stinson, Glover & Co's Sampson. Sampson, Carver bred dog had beat a dog of M. Carver's at 56 lbs and was in his prime at 30 months of age. Because of Butcher Boy's age and the fact that it was known that he had been treated for heart worms twice, he was a 3 to 1 underdog going in. But, he beat Sampson by biting him down in 1:45 minutes in a classical match. Both, Sampson and Butcher Boy died after this great match. Butcher Boy was awarded Best of Show for his dead game , hard biting efforts. Of the four contract opponents that faced Butcher Boy in the pit, only one survived- Corn's Smokey and he curred out in :15 minutes. Champion Butcher Boy was a great dog and has been touted by many longtime, top dogmen who witnessed all his matches as perhaps the greatest 57lb. dog of the century, and most certainly the best 57lb. dog of his time. He was, truly, a once in a lifetime dog. TUDOR'S DIBO & TRAHAN'S RASCAL Because of the importance of both Dibo and Rascal in todays bloodlines, I've chosen to tell their story collectively. The two famous dogs, Tudor's Dibo (pronounced DIE-BO) and Trahan's Rascal shared the same sire, Hubbard's Bounce, also called Corvino's Bouncer. Bounce, as he is more frequently recognized, was out of Hubbard's Lena and sired by Hubbard's Gimp. Bounce's grand-parents were comprised of three Corvino dogs: Gimp, Goldie, and Shorty.
Dibo's dam was Ed Ritcheson's Bambi. Bambi, also known as Heinzl's Bambi, was sired by Ritcheson's Spike and she was out of Ritcheson's Spotty. A novice by the name of W. D. Smith acquired Bambi and made the breeding to Wiz Hubbard's Bounce. Smith eventually sold Dibo, as a pup, to a man named Jensen who only wanted a pet for his son. The young boy named his pet Dumbo, but tired of him and wished for a collie, as Lassie was popular at that time. Jensen then contacted Mr. Heinzl in regard to trading Dumbo for a collie pup. Howard Heinzl knew Bounce and Bambi were good individuals, but still had his doubts as one of Bounce's sisters were questionable, and Bambi was cold. The trade was made and Dumbo went home with Howard Heinzl and stayed, where he would follow Mr. Heinzl and stayed out of the reach of the other chained dogs on the yard for about two years. Earl Tudor visited Heinzl's yard and took a liking to Dumbo. Mr. Heinzl offered Mr. Tudor any dog on his yard, trying to convince him to purchase a good dog. In spite of everything, Tudor took Dumbo home and changed his name to Dibo. Dibo was stolen shortyl after and was sold to a black restaurant owner, who named him Runt, Frank Ferris later changed all the incorrect papers. The pup wouldn't hit a lick until it was 2 1/2 years old, but when it did, it was an cae dog from that day forward! Floyd Boudreaux and William Burley owned a good brindle dog named Buzz on halves. They had to pull this pup off Buzz in :18 minutes as he wrecked Buzz in short order. Floyd matched him at 39 lbs. into a 40 lb. dog and won the contest in style and short order. He used his dad's Man dog 6 weeks later and matched into Gaboon Trahan and his highly regarded Country Boy dog, gave him a pound and beat him in :33 minutes. Tudor got Dibo back from the gentleman and by the age of four, Dibo had finally turned on and eventually became a three time winner at 44 lbs. His performance record is minute in comparison to his ability to produce. He's sired:
and the list goes on. Dibo had two litter mates that also made names for themselves: Heinzl's Arizona Pete and Langham's Lil.
Rascal was sent to Hanson by Corvino and later Rascal went to Pete Lormond, then to Clavelle and finally Rascal was traded to Floyd Boudreaux, where he and Gaboon Trahan collaborated on many of the breedings with Rascal. Boudreaux said Trahan never owned the dog and it should appear as Boudreaux' Rascal, like he is registered. Anyway, Floyd owned the dog and crossed him with Blind Billy. Like Dibo, Rascal wouldn't start as a young dog and as a matter of fact, he was also stolen, but because of the fact that he hadn't turned on, they turned him loose into the streets. Boudreaux saw him in 1957 when he got out of the service and he fought against a big black dog that was out of Cannon's Black Shine and those dogs. At that, time they was all arrested, but in those days it was just a misdemeanor, there was really nothing against bulldogs. Rascal was owned by SP and Floyd traded one of Rascal's sons for him, a young dog called Rascal, Jr. This pup had only one testicle, but SP took him and later sold him. It is believed that Rascal won approximately 6 matches at a weight of 57lbs. He was considered a game dog, who was a very rough ear dog. He's sired: Trahan's Peter (Country Boy) 3X winner Trahan's Little Rascal Trahan's Marciano Trahan's Lou Trahan's Boy, a game loser in 2:30 Elias' Pistol Carver's Sherly Boudreaux' Rascal, Jr. Trahan's Ruby, who produced Cotton's Bullet. Cajen 2X winner, who lost in 2:12 to Komosinski's Rocky IIand many more. To reinforce the importance of these two dogs in the history of today's American Pit Bull Terrier, it is very unlikely that you can trace the pedigree of any pit bull bred in the USA, and not find at least one of these two dogs in the pedigree. I believe the only strain of pit bulls that does not trace back to Dibo or Rascal would be the Colby bred dogs. But, they are being crossed with these strains to produce winners, I.E. Jeep / Red Boy, Red Boy / Jocko, and Red Boy / Bolio.
Frank Fitzwater's Goldie it is said resulted from an accidental breeding on Howard Heinzl's yard in Tempe,Arizona. His sire was Heinzl's Colonel who was out of a Colby bloodline sire and a Lightner "Old Family" bitch and Colonel's dam Heinzl's Amber Annie was an inbred Lightner "Old Family" bitch. Most of the Lightner "Old Family" blood went back to such Old Family Red Nose dogs such as Fergusson's Centiped, Harvey's Red Devil, Hemphill's Broke Jaw and Dickenson's Tangerine. The blood of Jim Searcy's Jeff was also there. So, Goldie who won 4 matches was 25% Colby blood and 75% Lightner Old Family (mostly red nose) blood. It is interesting to note that the Lightner bloodline was of Irish descent and was known to be one of the gamest strains of pit dogs in the history of the game. Goldie was labeled as a cur, something Heinzl had bred to sale and make a little feed bill money. This dog had been tried at 2 ½ years old and would not fight. Frank bought this dog known as Fitzwaters' Goldie for $15.00, as they were going to kill the dog. Fitzwater's Ch. Goldie proved and validated his pedigree in the able hands of Mayfield in one match by scratching an incredible 24 times and winning the show. His offspring include Klaus Zeke ( the sire of Indian Bolio ROM and Sorrells' BULL) and his litter sister Womack's Mert (dam of Carver's Miss Spike who produced Gr Ch Boomerang, Ch Fox, Ch Nell, Art's Missy; also dam of Stockton's Ch Big Liz the dam of Hooten's Ch Butcher Boy, from whom such as Gr Ch Banjo and Gr Ch BB Red descended when the blood was combined with that of Art's Missy). The Dibo and Ch Goldie lines were first combined by Frank Fitzwater and Don Mayfield and with great results. Such greats as Mayfield's Pit General, Davis' Gr Ch Boomerang, Hooten's Ch Butcher Boy, Gr Ch. Banjo and BB Red as stated before, STP's Gr Ch Buck, Jackson's Hank (sire of Ch Jocko and Ch Argo), even Gr Ch Mayday ROM has a lot of the influence of this combination via the Ch Jocko and Hollingsworth (Tombstone / Bolio) blood. Also we should not forget the Eli (heavy Dibo) / Snooty ROM (Ch Goldie / Dibo ) crosses which has yielded such aces as Ch Chinaman, Gr Ch Bo, Gr Ch Spike and the yard of champions owned by the Viera Bros.on the west coast. Pat Patrick has been having continued success with Dibo / Goldie crosses over the years and still continues to produce competitive gamedogs. However many do not realise that Don Mayfield was one of the originators of this potent cross and deserves due credit. An interesting fact is that the "great California ear dog", McCaw's Ch Going Light Barney, was defeated by Van Parkman's Pistol a Dibo / Goldie cross dog, which took all Barney had to dish out and caused Barney to quit as his gameness apparently frustrated the California destroyer. ..... By Mr.Cool in the interest of those who do not know. Bullyson was whelped sometime in the late 1960's. He was just one of the many well thought of pups from the breeding of Eli to Spook. At one time Floyd Boudreaux gave a nice red puppy to Jerry Clemmons. He took the pup, kept it for 6 weeks and then sold the pup. He came here and I gave him another pup I had here in the blacksmith shop. I called that pup Spook. She was out of a litter that had killed each other when they were very young. He kept her two months at most and then she came in her first season. He brought her back and I bred her to Eli. They had 4 pups, 3 black and one brindle. two males and two females. One of the black males was Bully, the other was Eli, Jr., the brindle female was Brendy. She bit the hardest of all of them and she was the biggest. She could break a dog down in less then three minutes. Brendy was awesome, a bad bulldog. As bad as a man has ever seen. She beat a dog one time like she was eating breakfast. I've never seen anything like her again. The other female in the litter out of Eli and Spook was a black named Lady. She was my kind of dog and I think the best from that litter. Both Bully and his brother Eli, Jr. were exceptional Bulldogs. They were the cream of the crop, top-notch Bulldogs and went into some tough competition to make history. When this litter was being raised on Jerry's yard he took a special interest in Bully. Jerry walked him three miles a day and ran him 15 minutes each day on the mill. Also, while he was schooling him he had taught the dog to go where he was pointed in combat and also trained him to work with a ball. One day Bully was rolled with Boudreaux' Napoleon and Boudreaux' Paco, a son of Blind Billy. He smoked both of them quickly and then was bred to one of Floyd's bitches. All this in one hour in the noon July sun. The bitch later had 13 puppies. When Bobby Hall owned Bully he was attacked, when he walked his run. Bobby had a large mouth shovel in his hand and he went upside Bully's head and put Bully on his backside, then was just able to get out of Bully's run before he came to his feet and came for him again. This occured numerous times until the last when Bobby put the shovel in one hand and held it beside him and said "Come here Son." "Bully son come to me" and Bully then walked over to Bobby's feet and waged his tail. Bobby said he stuck out his hand to him and he licked his hand, then Bobby walked over and shoveled up his dung. From that day Bobby changed his name from Bully to Bullyson. When Bobby Hall matched the dog for Maurice Carver, who refereed, when he went into Bert Clouse & Becker. At weigh in Bert's dog weighed in at 46 3/4 lbs. and Bullyson weighed i at 49 1/2 lbs. When Bobby came over the pit wall with Bullyson you knew something different was going on. This dog acted like a crazy dog or a maniac of the devil in disguise. When they turned them loose all hell came with it. Everybody there was at attention. Clouse's Red dog was out of it in five minutes as Bobby sent Bullyson to the scrotum of Clouse's charge and that was the cue for the fat lady and she sang. At :10 minutes, the final scratch, Bobby could hardly contain the dog in the corner. And he was scared the crazy son of gunwas going to bite him. This was was the worst kind of man-eater when conditions are normal, and they sure weren't normal then. Sometime later Bobby sold Bullyson to Red Walling. Mr. Walling decided that Maurice Carver was his man with his dog. Again, this dog was known on several occasions when someone was moving him in a car and he was looes to go off his rocker. Despite these problems, they often hauled him loose, I think because it was too hard to put him in a sky crate. On the move from Hall's in Houston to Carver's place in San Antonio, Mr.Raymond Holt was elected to carry the dog. As usual Bullyson was carried loose in the car. Raymond said the only way he could keep Bullyson from jumping on him during the trip was by playing with his testicles. That's a helluva a deal!!! Anyway, Maurice got the dog. He was scared to death of him all the time he had him. At the time Maurice would move his wife in the other room and bring the dog in the house with him, watch TV with him and such and just become the very best of friends when a dog is in a keep. Maurice had a feeling that if he was going to the pit with a dog he wanted to be his friend. He said often, "If I am going to get down on my knees and ask a dog to take a killing for me, I want him to be a friend of mine." Eventually, Bullyson was matched into Ed Weaver's Sir. Again it was the same old story, Sir was helpless in :05 minutes as Bullyson defeated him with the same barnstorming type style used against the Red dog. Don Mayfield made a comment right after the match that Ed Weaver should be commended for even going into Bullyson, as most people were already spooked of him. Bullyson VS Benny Bob was the big match of the day as there were people from all over the US, Canada and Mexico to see this event. The convention took place in Fort Worth and it was a big show. The had bleachers up around the pit and a canvas over the whole thing. It was wonderful until the bleachers collapsed and the canvas cover came crashing down during the Bullyson match. Carver conditioned and handled Bullyson and Haliburton did the conditioning & handling for Benny Bob with help from Don Mayfield. Benny Bob was out of Bullyson bred to a bitch out of Boudreaux' Boze bred to Clemmons' Brendy. The dam of Benny Bob was known as Clemmons' Jesse and her name was later changed to Wikerson's Tina. The breeding of Bullyson and Jesse was done while Bullyson was still on the yard of Jerry Clemmons. At the match, Carver made a deal to enter the pit last as he didn't want to stay in his corner for an extended time with Bullyson. When he entered, Rick was ready, the ref was ready and that was Floyd Boudreaux. Maurice didn't even set Bullyson all the way down he dropped him 3 inches above the floor and the match was on. Don Mayfield reported it was pretty obviousquickly that if Bullyson was going to get there today, it was not going to be a blowout. After a while, Bullyson turned. He scratched well. Then Benny Bob scratched good. After this Benny Bob started getting faster and Bullyson slower. Everything Bullyson did, Benny Bob came back and did it better. At thed end, their stifles looked like you had shot them with a buckshot. At :40 minutes into the match Bullyson's ass end collapsed completely and Carver offered Haliburton a scratch to win, Haliburton would not take the offer as it was hot his turn to scratch. Finally, at :48 minutes, Bullyson's turn to go. Maurice faces him. When released, Bullyson turned his head a little to the right. His tongue is out, he doesn't move! At the end of 6, Maurice stepped over the dog and threw in the towel. He then asked Floyd to see if he could get him to go since Floyd had a part in raising him. The reason Maurice did this, I suppose was that everyone was in shock that this dog stood the line. Floyd took him, straightened his head, shook him and released him. The results were the same. His head tilted a little to the right and he stood there. After this Floyd picked up Bullyson and handed him over the pit wall to Maurice, who turned and walked off with the dog. Jerry Clemmons, who was working as a lab technician, did the blood work the day before the match, said Bullyson's blood count was at 33 when it should have been at 50. In addition, Carver bred the dog to practically every bitch he could in the Southwest. They took Bullyson out to the field and anyone that tried to touch his ass end had him trying to bite them. He was given medical treatment, but it was to no avail. He lost control of his body and died shortly there after. This 48 minute match with his son had brought an end to Bullyson's life. Benny Bob went back to Willie Brown's yard and was later matched into Ralph Greenwood's Jimmy Boots. Which was said to have been the most vicious match ever seen. R. Haliburton and W. Brown did the conditioning on Benny Bob and Greenwood the same for Jimmy Boots. It was said the match was like watching two grown men with icepicks and you knew it just couldn't go any further, but that five minutes would pass and then you knew for sure it was impossible to go another five minutes. The whole match was like that...because no two dogs could take that kind of punishment. After the match you could have bet that it didn't last longer than 20 minutes, that's how exciting it was, but it lasted nearly 2 hours with Jimmy Boots being the winner. Troll was born and raised on the yard of the famous breeder Ozzie Stevens. Ozzie bred his 2X winner Zera, daughter of Ch. Zero, to Red Rhode's 2X winner Amos, who was a son of Gr. Ch. Virgil ROM. Troll was rolled once and looked very good, but unfortunately broke his hangers in his schooling. To make matters worse he had the bad habit of chewing on rocks and his chain, thus dulling all of his teeth making it improbable for him to be matched. He was bred to a few gyps on Ozzies' yard. At around the age of 3, Troll was sold to Ron Castillo who kept him for a few more years until finally selling Troll to Pit Magic Kennels. Troll sired Ch. Waldo out of O. Stevens' Butterfly (Carver blood), Ch. Tyrone, Ch. Ozzie, and Gr. Ch. Krueger out of O. Stevens' Ramona ROM. ![]() Vernon Jackson bought a puppy from Don Mayfield in 1971 and named him "Hank", the sire to Jocko and 5 other champions. Then Don gave him many more dogs to build his kennel on this bloodline. Champion Jocko was bred by Bob Rast, when he bred his bitch Queenie to Hank. Jocko, along with Bass' Tramp Red Boy, were the foundation of one of the most successful bloodlines of the past thirty years, the Red Boy/Jocko bloodline. Jocko was bred to his daughter, Tant's Rose, to produce Tant's Miss Jocko, who was then bred to the pure Red Boy dog, Chavis' Ch. Yellow John ROM, to start the famous bloodline. Jocko, in addition to being one of the foundation dogs of the Red Boy/ Jocko bloodline, was a first class performance dog. He was matched and won four times between 1977 and 1980. He won over Hanner's Black Jack in 1:08. His second time out he won over Middleton's Bucky, a 2X winner, in a wild 11 minutes of back end techniques. His third was over Hodges' Ch. Brute, a dog reputed to have won 6 or 7 matches. His last time out he won over the black dog of Moutain Man's. Jocko was matched between 46 and 48 1/2 lbs. and was considered one the better, if not the best, back end dog of his time. ![]() GR. CH. "35" : THE BEGINNING It was a blistering hot day in central Oklahoma the second time I saw the little buckskin dog that, as fate would have it, was eventually to change my life. We were in the midst of the heat wave of 1980, suffering through over forty straight days of hundred degree plus temperatures, and when I heard the knock at my door, I really didn't feel like answering, not just because of the heat, but due mostly to one of the worst hangovers of my adult life. Fortunately I did answer, only to be confronted by a fellow who looked at least as bad as I felt. I didn't recognize him immediately as we had only met once before and it wasn't until I saw the dog in the back seat of his car that I knew who it was that had summoned me from my nauseous stupor aboard the "porcelain pony" in my bathroom. He probably didn't remember my name either as we had only spoken briefly one day when I had seen him walking the pup and stopped to ask about it. He didn't know how the dog was bred and said only that a friend had given it to him as a young pup the last time he passed through New Mexico, judging from his apparent age, at least six or eight months ago. I thought no more about the man or his pup until that day, several months later, when in the scorching midday sun, he and the dog showed up on my doorstep. He said, "I know you know about these dogs and I was wondering if you would give me thirty -five dollars for him. I have to go away to MacAlester (state prison) for a few months and my wife doesn't like the dog. It's okay if you want to fight him or whatever." My first impulse, standing there staring at him, his long sweat-soaked hair clinging to the ashen skin of his face and neck, (and my stomach doing cartwheels across my torso ) was to tell him to "take a hike" so I could rush back to my retreat in the "John". But a little voice in the back of my brain ( the crazy "dog man" voice ) said "Hey Bill, you can't raise a pup to a year old for thirty-five dollars, much less buy one. Maybe you should give it a shot?" I said "Wait here. I'll see if I have the cash." It turned out to be one of the luckiest ( if not the most immediately enjoyable ) decisions I've ever made. I must confess I didn't even feel like walking the yearling pup for almost twenty-four hours. I just put him in a crate downstairs and went back to wishing I were temporarily dead. I remember marveling at how uncannily silent the dog was, never making a peep the whole time, nor did he soil his crate before I finally got around to taking him out. It was only then that I saw he was absolutely covered with ticks! They were in his ears, between his toes, in his armpits, everywhere! So, after he took a long, long pee and moved his bowels our first mission was to soak him good with a powerful insecticide. I noticed too, on that first walk with him, that he would go in any direction except where you wanted him to go, a trait which would stay with him the rest of his life. And one which isn't too convenient for trying to "empty out" a match dog. I got him "wormed out" as well as taking care of the tick problem and wondered if my money might not have been better spent on feed for the twenty or so dogs I already owned. After all I didn't even know the breeding of the dog and what were the odds of this orphan turning out to be worth keeping? But he was mine now and the money was gone; I might as well keep an open mind about him and see how my investment turned out. I mean, I had some well bred dogs in my yard but nothing that was looking like a world-beater, and who knows, maybe this little buckskin dog would be that "ace" every dog man dreams of. He was already a year old so it wouldn't take much longer or much feed to find out. And he was a good-looking little dog, nice head, good body structure and big teeth! Five or six weeks later I decided to walk him up to another of my males to see if he might be ready to start. I chose "Cody", a well bred "Hank"/ "Jesse", "Bolio" cross with some "old Wallace" and "Jim Williams" blood mixed in too. He was a few pounds larger and six months older than the buckskin pup, who at that point I don't think I'd even chosen a name for, ( no sense in "wasting" a good name on a dog that would probably "quit" anyway, right? ) But this was just to be a "starter bump" anyway, to see how badly I'd squandered my thirty-five bucks. I wouldn't let "Cody" hurt him, as "Cody" had started and looked promising in rolls and, of course, the pup had no experience at all. I intended to give him the same chance as all my dogs got, to "make the grade", though I vowed he would certainly get "game-tested" a lot harder due to my lack of confidence in his, at least to me, mysterious family tree. I took him off his chain and approached "Cody" cautiously, as I didn't even bother to pick up a breaking stick, so sure was I that probably nothing would happen anyway between the two youngsters. "Cody" stiff-legged it and growled but before either "Cody" or myself could do anything to stop him ( we had different methods in mind, "Cody" and I ) the pup had grabbed "Cody" by the side of the head, flipped him over his shoulder and was vigorously shaking and working his hold! Fortunately I was seasoned enough not to panic but I was so surprised that it took me a few moments to collect myself enough to formulate a plan and get the now angrily combative, young adversaries apart. Later, after putting the soon to be named, buckskin "pup" back on his chain, I had a chance to ponder what had happened. What had happened? "How did that thirteen month old "pup" do that to "Cody", I wondered? Soon enough I would understand that it wasn't a fluke I had just witnessed but the coming of age of the best pit dog I have ever seen. That tick-infested, buckskin "pup" of unknown breeding was soon to become the feared, "35" Dollar Dog, destined to win eight straight contract matches, without a loss, and would eventually become known as the famous...GR. CH "35" ![]() Ms. Holladay is concidered the cornerstone of the Greenwood bloodline and the foundation for many lines to follow. Ms. Holladay herself was used specifically as a brood gyp as she was cold and wouldn't start. It was her ability to produce that seperated her from some of the other dogs in history. She whelped only a few litters, that are as follow: when bred to Greenwood’s Oakie, she produced Kuemmerling’s Ch. Freddie (won four and lost two, one to Stepp’s Gr. Ch. Angus), O. Stevens’ Ch. Homer ROM (won four and lost dead game to Ch. Jeep), Greenwood’s Holladay Hannah (who produced Jessup’s three time winner Spitfire) and Greenwood’s Ch. Mountain Boy (four time winner). In her second litter, this one sired by Maloney’s Davis, she produced Greenwood’s Ch. Black Sabbath (won four and lost dead game to Smith & Walton’s Ch. Bad Billy ROM), Greenwood’s Ch. Cobra (she won three), and Greenwood’s Ch. Jay Dee (who sired Ch. Nino). She was also bred to Giroux’ Ch. Milou, this litter didn’t have the impact or notoriety of the previous breedings. To my knowledge, I’ve only come across one of those dogs ever being matched, her name was Penny and she was picked up in :31. The following litter, second by Davis, produced several excellent bulldogs, most of which were never matched, but used as brood stock. Of these, there was Greenwood’s Martha White (she was the dam of the three time winner Giroux’ Ch. Booger ROM), Greenwood’s Scarlet (dam of Frank & Al’s Gr. Ch. Booker), and then there was Greenwood’s Delta (dam of Stiltner’s one time winner Laverne). These dogs distinguished themselves, not only by beating and competing against excellent competition and demonstrating that crawling back gameness that is so rarely found. But, had the ability to pass these traits on generation after generation. Unfortunately, Ms. Holladay died in a kennel accident with a belly full of pups by Oakie. If all of the matches were reported and accepted, she would have a total of 6 ROM points, thus putting her 1 point behind Ch. Honeybunch as the best producing female in history. There are many questions as to her pedigree, I've seen and heard from several "old time" dogmen who have Grider's Chatter as being a brother to Brown's Nigger, out of Eli, Jr. breed to Spook. Many say Chatter was Corvino dog, which accounted for the gameness in her progeny. What is known is that Ralph would not have bred her if he wasn't sure of her immediate ancestry. As picky as he was as to how he bred, I feel like he knew exactly how she was bred, but for whatever reasons, it remains "pure bred but unknown". ![]() I'm going to give a short tribute to a fine bulldog who in turn was an excellent producer. His name is Bolyes' Ch. Bolt Action ROM. His sire, Holland's Gr. Ch. Cherokee Chief and his dam, Boyles' Dirty Mary are both ROM producers. Bolt Action was the best producing dog off of Dirty Mary in many dogmen's opinions. Bolt Action was a 4X contract winner and lost his 5th to Winchester's Champion Chaka in 1:16. He, Bolt Action, died after his last match and was relatively young but still managed to obtain 5 point ROM status. Not only did he produce Champions and a Grand Champion but also produced dogs who in turn produced champions such as Ch. Black Bumphus, who produced Gr. Ch. Running Candy and Ch. Dirty Becky. Jersey Boys' 2X winner Bullshannon, Chainsaw Kennels' 1X winner Dixie, who won over Irish Jerry's 2X winner. Also a good gyp out of the same litter as Bullshannon and Dixie named Widow Maker. STP owned one from this litter and was said to be a game dog, but was killed in a kennel accident. Captain America made several breedings with Bolt Action, one that comes to mind was the breeding to Gina Blue Eyes, which produced Chopper. There are several others of Bolt Action's offspring who are producing well, most notably Ch. Black Pazmanian, who is off a daughter of Bolt Action. I believe the Bolt Action dogs are here to stay and they are from a game winning line of dogs known as The Boyles' line. ![]() This dog was a very important part of Bulldog history. This dog came on the scene about the time when mediocrity in the dogs was coming to an end. Stinson and Glover, who originally owned and campaigned Art, were among some of the best dog men of that day and had as good a "Stable" of great dogs as there were around of that time. Art was a product of B. Clayton who bred Eli, Jr. dog to his gyp Java. Out of this litter also came Double OO, Catfish, Patty, Little Java, and Ch. Hurt, noted for their ability and mouth. In spite of his ability there were many around that were convinced that he couldn't be any count since he was cur bred. But his record of victories dispelled those beliefs. Art's first match was a win over Balke's dog in 1:20, for his second he won over Jobe's dog in :39. His third was against Burton & the Plumber's Jade. Here's the account for that match: "My most memorable experience having to do with this world renown dog took place on a beautiful day in North central Texas when the combine rose to the challenge and brought him up to meet the Big Plumber's Jade dog. Jade was off of Hammonds' Zeke bred to Rasmusson's Ginger and one of the heaviest Dibo dogs of that day. He was thought by many a dog that couldn't be beat. He was a hard mouthed, offensive dog that would take a lot of good dogs out in short order. Jade had one flaw compounded by a medical problem that no one ever bothered to address. He never paced himself, mainly because he never had to but had a soft palet that would make it impossible to breathe if he had to go the long route. You got the picture, the Plumbers' were betting that this would be a short one so never worried about the oxygen problem. The dogs hit and Jade buried up to his eyes in Art's chest and as he
was getting ready to "Sit the Ivory" Art took him out. Jade kept driving
and had set a fast, hard pace for dogs of this size, but when he would
get into the shoulder instead of destroying it as was his specialty, was
taken out. The first half of this fight was like a chess game with Art
not doing much, just staying out of trouble and in charge at the same
time. Close to the half hour mark, Jade had started to melt and was
gasping for every breath at this point. Art still being relatively fresh
went to work and it appeared Jade would most likely meet his maker, had
not the Plumber's picked him up at the :37 minute mark. It was obvious
that Jade wasn't going anywhere and the Plumbers showed good
sportsmanship in their decision to concede. Everyone shook hands and
went their separate ways." For Ch. Art's fourth match, he went into Chicken Sam Chicken Sam used his 2 time winner Gator into Ch. Art. Both dogs were worked for other matches and they fell through, so they matched each other. At "pit your dog", Gator gets on Art's nose and walks him around the pit. Art, pushing for the shoulders. At about 8-10 minutes. Art gets the shoulders and shows that hard bite he is known to have. The fight goes on with Art working the body and going into the stifle and Gator trying to hold Art out. 30 minutes and Gator has been bit to pieces and takes the count making Art a four time winner. For his fifth, he was matched into B. Crutchfield and D. Adams and disposed of their representative in :20. After losing one of their best dogs to Art Adams and Crutchfield purchased him from Stinson for the amount of $2500, which was a steal for a dog of his ability and record. Now owned by Adams and Crutchfield Art was matched into Cumpers & Razmus who brought a white dog called Polar. Both dogs came in under 46lbs. Polar goes to the ear, Art to the chest and shoulder. :10 minutes Art goes to the stifle, then back to the shoulder, Polar on the ear. :23 minutes and Art has complete controll, now Polar showing weakness from shoulder and stifle. :35 minutes Polar helpless. 1 hour mark, Art releases his hold, Adams tries to call him into a turn but can't. 1:11 Art looks up, Adams calls a turn, a quick handle and Art makes a fast scratch. Cumper gives up the fight in 1:12. He was matched into a B. Hall dog and was fouled out by the handler, on top. He was hooked into Holt's Jeremiah, unfortunately the contract was cancelled by Crutchfield. Of all of Art's matches only one dog ever scratched back to him. Afterwards he was matched once more winning his seventh and offered at stud, at the age of three years old, the ads on him read "Art" "The dog with the Heart". Some time later this great 7xw was stolen just like his sire, Clayton's Eli Jr., as someone thought that the $300 stud fee being charged was too much. He produced Gr. Ch. Mike, Ch. Strike, Ch. Luke, Ch. Bumper, Ch. Leila, Ch. Queenie and many other great dogs. Art will long be remembered as a one of the greatest to ever look through a collar. ![]() Two eye was sired by mtn mans bandit bred to ch bolero.
He was the runt of the litter born blind in one eye and cloudy eye in the
right eye. he got the name two eyes because my son said that was the
only thing he would never have. He was a normal pup though he never
let fact he was blind make him look or act like any other good dog.
At 18 months he was schooled as he started young and was talented and needed little practice to know what he was bred for, the pit.
First show was into over the hill's kennel cowboy, he was a two time
winner. at the start of the match two eyes didn't start. I
knew why I had bred him back secretly to his mother 2 times the week
before the show, cowboy ran over and two eyes thought it was more sex,
wrong and he got his ass kicked for 15 minutes. Soon he got his act
together and by the hour mark he was way out front and over the hill's
Keith asked if I would scratch to win. I agreed and we sperarted the
dogs with sticks. the referee an inexperienced boy by the name of
Brian debow was holding the stick and standing about 10 feet to my right.
I am holding two eyes preparing to let go on release. The one
"side" rule when we matched two eyes that was made was complete
silence when he scratched as he was blind. Well the ref told us to
face the dogs ans I did, as I the ref drops the sticks on the floor and
two eyes runs to the sticks I grab him back over the line and the crowd
goes wild yelling " FOUL". Well it wasn't a foul the
referee dropped the sticks. So at that point I just let him go he
ran over to the other dog and the fight starts back up. Over the
Hill's whines oh that's a foul , I said "fuck you, if you want to
continue this by scratch and turn and watch your dog die, fine, if you
want to pick up your dog fine, other wise sit back and watch the
execution." They offered me another scratch to win, I knew he
would go, I took the offer, made the ref set the sticks down on the floor
outside the box before the scratch and two eyes flew across the box to win
number 1.
Number 2 was in October 1994, the night I matched 3 dogs that I
bred. First match was Ch Chomper into bloodliners Ch Jimmy.
Chomper was a good solid dog by Frisco and Bolero, he won that night in 51
minutes and became a gr ch, he later lost showing not to be game, but he
was a real power house and those five wins were over 5 good dogs,
including otter's ch tonka bear jr, but that darn 6th dog was better.
Also that night DLC & Deny's Bo went for his second, he beat a
champion named Turbine Jr that night from 3D kennels, Bo went on to become
a Gr Ch and in his quest he beat Hargroves; Ch Tank and Scrimshaw's Ch
Brute. This same night Two eyes went into Bloodliners Ch Rocco and
this was a battle royal. The first 20 minutes it was rocco on top
holding eyes out by the head and wouldn't let him get a hold of anything,
by 30 minutes rocco started to wear down and two eyes was getting into the
mouth, rocco mounted a come back and by 1:15 he had two eyes down and was
way out front. Then at 1:20 two eye bit that dog in the shoulder and
it sounded like a car door being slammed shut, he broke the dogs shoulder.
Rocco was far from beat he came back up on three wheels and went to
working the head again, Two eyes went into the mouth and another loud pop
came and rocco turned and we got a handle. Rocco came like a bullet.
Another handle and two eyes went at his regular nose in the air looking
like ray Charles sniffing out pussy at a bar and makes the scratch in 4
seconds. Time now is 1:44 and bloodliners pick up rocco.
Chomper won BIS and Two Eyes won his second GIS.
A few months later we had him hooked into school teachers gr ch shep but
they forfieted, said their dog was sick. We then hooked him into
Desert Warriors Ch Comanche and they too paid the forfeit when they said
they wanted to move the weight to 37 not 36. I refused and collected
the forfeit. Two Eyes was barely a 36, no were near a 37, he could
actually go 35.
He went on to produce many good dogs and was a pleasure to own.
Fat Bill
Rolling Hill's Champion Taz was born on April 11, 1988 and was purchased at the age of 6 weeks from his breeder Fat BIll Taz was bred out of some very outstanding dogs. His sire Fat Bill's Stomper who was a 2x winner double bred off of Crenshaw's Ch Rascal . Stomper was a very game dog, going over the hour mark several times. His Dam, Fat Bill's Chance was a cold dog but a good producer. Tas was bumped a few timre between 12 months and 22 months he looked good, but nothing special. After his schooling was complete I began to to condition and handle the dog
#1 Taz -vs- Texas Ron's Blister M 45 1/2 Pocono
Texas Ron was using a dog that was Uselton bred named Blister, he was
a fine
well built animal that had previously destroyed several dogs. He came in a t 45 1/2, Taz came at 44 1/2. Dogs were washed and then released. Blister goes straight to the right shoulder shaking hard, Taz was on the ear trying to get him off. 5 minute mark, Taz gets the nose, and does allot of damage. Blister then goes to the chest and is biting very hard. For the next 15 minutes it's Taz on the head and Blister in the chest. 20 minute mark Blister goes back to the right shoulder and breaks it. Taz gets the head and is chewing Blister's face off. 30 minutes a turn called on Blister. For the next 5 minutes Taz is on the nose and lower jaw. 35 minute mark a handle is made and Blister would not go. The winner: Taz
#2 Taz -vs- Owen's Jake Johnson M 44 Irish Jerry
Owns using a dog from Irish Jerry's Jeepers and Rabo Breeding. Jake
came at
44 lbs Taz at 43 1/2 lbs. Dogs were released hit hard in the center, wide ass open. Both dogs swapping leg holds shaking each other hard. Taz then gets Jake by the lower jaw then goes to the nose. 15 minute mark Taz throws Jake on his back and goes to the throat and digs in deep shaking and twisting around. Jake starts singing. Jake back to his feet at 20, and a turn called on him. Taz then throws Jake back to the floor working the shoulders, then to the throat, at this point Jake is not moving, Taz is still on the top shaking and trying to finish him off. 36 minutes a handle is made, and Jake don't go making Taz a 2x winner.
#3 Taz -vs- Tomcat's Nabob M 43 Bakari
This match was to be into Sills and East Coast Asassins' Ch Dirty Red.
for reasons unknown never showed up or even paid the forfeit. Anyway, Tomcat was matched in to CH John Wayne, but John had just previously beat Crenshaw's Bama. So, the owner's of John Wayne were prepared to pay the forfeit. It was decided that Taz and Nabob would be matched. So here we go.
Tomcat purchased Nabab from Carl Mims and was a huge 43 pound dog. Taz
in at 42 1/2. Dogs were released and taz goes straight to the head and mouth while Nabob is still driving to get a hold. Taz slams him into the wall. Taz is working the head most effectively but, at the 20 minute mark Taz heats up and Nabob gets to the head and mouth of Taz punching holes. Nabob throws Taz on his back and grabs an ear Taz goes to the throat, and stays there for the next 5 minutes. Taz then comes to his feet but is still very hot. 30 minute mark a turn called on Taz, but he's still in hold and he makes it through heat as well s getting chewed up. Taz then throws nabob to the floor working the shoulders and then he goes to the stifles and then back to the head. A handle is made Taz comes across like a bullet hitting Nabob very hard in his corner. A handle is made at the 47 minute mark it's nabob to go and he's counted out wandering around the pit. Making Taz a Champion!
Joey Craddock who had bought Taz as a pup from me, never went to any
of his matches, nor did he condition or handle the dog. He
actually did not have the dog on his yard from the age of 22 months
until he was 5 years old. I bred Taz a couple times and the best
of those breedings was when I bred my Sapelo bitch to him to get Gr Ch
Bo and several other great dogs.
Craddock was blackballed from the dog scene and to this day has no dogs as he was caught with over 2 dozen stolen dogs on his yard from various breeders. Fat Bill
![]() Mayday and his siblings were all impressive and well built but Mayday always stood out. He was BIG, CONFIRMED, and fearless, He walked out of the van as a puppy after the long drive, barked, and marked my kennel as HIS territory right when he hit the ground. He had a huge head, long ears and barked at the other dogs from the start. His head was always up high. He really thought he was the MAN. He was a happy and energetic pup. The first time we put him in the box, we did it with Ch. Leroy (heavy Paladin). Leroy was a HARD biter. He got a hold of Mayday's chest and bit hard. Finally, Mayday got a hold of the head and got him out. After that, Mayday was PISSED. For the next 5 minutes, he mopped the floor with Ch. Leroy. We had to stop it cause he was killing him. Of Course, Leroy was pushing 9 pounds, and it was not fair. BUT from that Moment on Mayday SCREAMED in the corner. He really was impressive. We go into, SLK & Dennis Ls HI VOLTAGE (2X), at Catch Weight. This match was special to me because of the adverse circumstances. A. - Mayday, (First time out) We arrived late Monday night in PR and we went with Choice and Leroy. Both of them won. Ch. Choice won in an impressive match against a HARD biting daughter of Garner's Frisco ROM. We arrived at 2 AM to the kennel and I knew something was wrong. Whenever Mayday heard my voice, he would SCREAM and bark, and go crazy cause he knew it was time to work. The problem was that it was SILENT. We took a flashlight into the kennel and to our surprise we find Mayday inside his cell but with another DEAD bulldog. The dog was a brother to Southern Kennels Xuxa. He had gotten loose and they fought fence to fence, but I think Mayday grabbed the fence and pulled it enough for the other dog to come through. It was no big deal that he killed a smaller dog but the match was that Saturday and he looked exhausted. We cleaned him up; we locked him in a totally dark room with all the food and water he could handle and on the next day's walk. He looked better; we did the same thing the next day. I was really worried that the accident might have tired his mouth. One b/c of making the hole in the fence, the other in killing the dog. At the time of the show, Mayday only had some scratches and swollen lips. hehe HI VOLTAGE; weighed 67Lbs, and was a monster, Mayday weighed 59 pounds. He looked Tiny next to High Voltage. But catch weight is catch weight. Finally, Mayday won in 35 minutes, He never showed tired, and after the 25-minute mark, he took control and finished. Soulman & Plumb Dave BIG RED (2X), Southern Kennels had taken 5 dogs to PR and won 4. We lost one game to Stone City Kennels Ch. NICO (4x)(ROM) with a son of Ch. Rattler at 1:13. The time before, we took 3 dogs to PR and won ALL 3. People in Southern Florida said that Southern Kennels was only winning in Puerto Rico and they weren't quality wins. Especially Soul man he was really being vocal. He said Ch. White heads toughest match was against a pure Red Boy-Jocko dog. Southern Kennels had lost to BIG RED before with a different son of Ch. Rattler who stood the line at 1:05. After that, BIG RED had won his second match in 1:25, and now he was ready for his championship. I had lost to BIG RED before and wanted a piece of him with Mayday so after many calls, it was hooked. Mayday's pit weight at that time was 60 but we conceded to bring him at 58 to make it happen. I was crazy about beating BIG red to prove that the previous wins in PR were the real deals and that the dogs in PR were also the real deal. As much as we tried, Mayday only came in at 58.5. We paid the forfeit and they gave me an hour to lose .5 pounds. We did and the party started. It was Mayday's easiest fight. He used big red like a punching bag. He mopped the floor with him. People watching wanted to change his name to PAYDAY. Others were calling him KILLING MACHINE. Havana Tito was screaming. "It's Gr.Ch. Rodney. Gr.Ch. Rodney, Gr.Ch. Rodney reincarnated. Big Red stood the line at 37 minutes and it ended with Mayday SCREAMING in the corner. He was just getting started. He wanted another hour. It was an impressive victory. Later Soulman called me and said that his dogs were still better than the ones in Puerto Rico but only 2 minutes better. After this 2nd win it was extremely difficult getting him hooked again. We had to change his name and so forth. He had won impressively and no one wanted any of Mayday. My GREAT friend Angel hooked him with the Gator Boys in NYC area against a supposed 4x winner. They ended up bringing Pete Jr. who was in my opinion half CROCODILE. This dog could BITE. He was more to the ground and thicker than Mayday. He looked like a typical Bullyson/Cowboy, but 60 pounds. hehe. That dog was a true killing machine. It was Mayday's toughest fight at that time. It was the shortest but the most SAVAGE. Mayday somehow knew that he had to kill this Croc before he got killed. He finished in 29 minutes BUT with TERRIBLE chest injuries. At about 2AM at the Vet's Mayday was cold and dying. The wound was only an inch from his lung. It was a miracle he lived. We worked on him long and hard and my friend Angel kept him for a few months. After that He was Southern Kennels Ch. Mayday. For #4 we didn't have to look for anyone, they came looking for us. We didn't have to change names or nothing like that. We hooked into Big Dust's Ch.Budda, (6X); he had won 6 but only had reported the last three to the SDJ. This time it was 65 pounds. In the first 5 minutes, Budda BROKE Mayday's Leg. Budda was a rough dog, after that Mayday stay there with three legs, and still coming and coming, it was a classic match. After 30 minutes even, they both slow down and pace themselves. At the 45-minute mark, Mayday started to take control and I urged him to finish. I would yell, and Mayday shook violently. at 1:05. Buddah stood the line.!! Mayday once again SCREAMED in the corner. After this match I retired him for a year. This is when I first bred Xuxa to produce Gr. Ch. Lukane. I never thought to match him again because he only walked on 3 legs after that. Then I met Cuban Missing Link who probably knows more than Vets do. He told me that Mayday walked on three legs only because he THOUGHT his leg was still hurt. I had seen the x rays and told him he was crazy. He replied that that break in the leg only made it stronger and that a pre-keep would fix the problem. I tried it and to my surprise, Missing Link was right. He not only fixed the leg, but Mayday looked 2 years younger again. The best match was Gr.Ch.Mayday against Tant's Cody, not only because of how good Cody was, who later on showed to be DEAD GAME, but also because of all the circumstances surrounding the contest. It was almost impossible for Mayday to win this match. The odds were stacked 99% against us. Mr. Tant didn't know that he was going into Mayday. My good friend Angel hooked Mayday into Mr. Tant for us. We respect Mr. Tant like as a good breeder and dogman, but we had to show that Mayday could handle any Red Boy/Jocko dog as well. So, we went into the main source of Gr.Ch.Yellow blood, Mr. Tant. We conditioned Mayday in Fla, and flew into SC a few days before the contest. That match was hooked at 65 Lbs. We made a mistake on his last feed, and we were at 65.5 Lbs, just half pound over weight, so we had to pay the forfeit. Mr. Tant was OK with that and he still wanted to do it. At 65 Lbs, a half-pound would not make that big a difference. We paid it and started to wash Mayday. Toward the end of the wash, Mr. Tant started to look at Mayday, and he started saying "That is a nice looking dog, "He looks just like my Yellow dogs, "Is he who I´m thinking he is?????? ". At this point we were getting edgy. Then asked us directly, " Is this dog Ch.Mayday???? " Well, what could we say? We had to admit it. He was very UPSET. I couldn't blame him. He said, he didn't want to go into his dogs. I told him that "YES, Mayday is off of Gr. Ch. Yellow, BUT you weren't the breeder. The breeder was Mr. Hollingsworth who paid the stud fee. All you did was collect the money. He is only 50% your bloodline. The other 50% is Hollingsworth's
careful blend of Bolio-Tombstone. "Any ways, after he collected our
forfeit, he ran out of the place with his dog, and left us there with
Mayday all wet. We didn't even have a chance to finish washing him. We
were very frustrated. I told myself that was the last time, I will
condition Mayday!! It was extremely difficult finding any dog able to go
into him. A few friends like Cuban Missing Link were there in car, and I
ask him to just take him (Mayday) back to Miami in his car that same
night. Of course we didn't feed Mayday that night, he was in the car all
night long, until they arrived home in the morning. At that time, they
just gave Mayday a cup of dog food. Everything was gone. We already lost
the chance to make the match. That Sunday's morning on March 1996, when
I wake up, I was very hyper and disappointed. I decided to call Mr. Tant
and have a meeting with him. I wanted to renegotiate the situation and
make that match possible, after a 2-hour conversation, we agreed to the
following terms…. Immediately I called my friends in Fla, and told them what I had decided to do. ALL OF THEM SCREAMED over the phone that I was crazy!! All of them told me that Mayday looked TERRIBLE. He was completely stressed, skinny, and under Pit Weight. ON TOP OF THAT I had to put him back on the airplane. My friends refused to send me my dog but I told them that he was MY DOG, and that I would take responsibility for him. I spoke to them firmly and they finally sent the dog. Dr. PEPE from the lab was the one who sent Mayday. After he shipped him he called and said Mayday was in terrible shape. He said he was very stressed, tired, and unrested, not to mention, way under pit weight. All my friends said I was crazy, and that all I was going to do was lose a great dog. They said it was impossible for me to win, especially against a seasoned dogman like Mr. Tant. When he arrived in SC for the second time HE WAS JUST BONES. I started to think that maybe my friends were right. The circumstances were too much for even the greatest dog of all time. He looked completely destroyed. I have a picture of him that day; He was a completely different Mayday. A package of Bones. My great friend Angel was the only friend I had left that was willing to help me in my task. He helped me try to recover Mayday in only 4 days. He stayed with me and worked alongside me. We had him on IV. Forget conditioning, forget the keep, all we were trying to do was recover Mayday from all the long hours of travel and malnutrition. Well, we arrived there Thursday night, and Mr. Tant brought Cody, at 72 Lbs, he was a horse. That was a smart move He gave Cody all rest he needed and very good food. On top of that he let him gain 7 pounds. Now, we had to go into a bigger, stronger and completely rested dog, Things were looking bad. Mayday looked a lot of smaller than Cody, and was all stressed out from the travel back and forth. RELEASE YOUR DOGS and the party started. As was expected, Cody led the contest early pushing and punching very hard into Mayday for the first 35 minutes. Mayday was just trying to keep that big strong dog out with defence. He held on to the nose, face and throat. A few times Mayday tried to go into the back-end but Cody was too strong and kept him out. Finally, Mayday understood that he was in front of a lot of stronger dog than he. So, he never tried to go into the back-end again. He just kept working up front...... nose, face and throat. After 35 - 45 minutes, Mayday started to show the lead a little bit!!! Mayday had got a good throat hold on Cody. He held that spot for a few minutes. At the 51-minute mark Mayday was on top of Cody and was really working his throat hold. Mr. Tant asked us to scratch to continue, Cody. Cody wasn't moving, wasn't breathing, or anything. He was like a dead dog. So we said OK. We didn't think there was any way possible Cody could scratch. Boy were we surprised when that CODY dog started to scream in the corner like a maniac. !!!!! We were in front of a DEAD GAME DOG! Cody worked Mayday over really hard for a few more minutes. Then, Mayday caught him in the same throat hold again at the 1:03 mark!!!!! Tant asked us again to scratch Cody to continue, and we said NO!! " YOU EITHER PICK THAT DEAD GAME DOG UP OR MAYDAY WILL FINISH HIM RIGHT THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BOX!!" Mr. Tant made the right decision and both boys made good hard courtesy scratches. Mayday was on fire!! He was screaming and pulling in the corner and looked like he was ready to party for another hour!! We were finally able to calm him down after about 15 minutes. This was his 5th match, and is also the greatest fight I have ever witnessed. Spike came into this world through the co-operation of Atlas B. & Cecil M. & represented payment for the breeding of Snooty to M's Black Betty. By showing gameness & ability in his schooling days, he avoided ending up in the sand pile where A.B. sends dogs that don't make the grade. At the age of 25 months, Spike met Spruill's Pete in his 1st contract match. Petie, of Boomerang & Cowboy breeding, took severe damage to the chest from the beginning. Even though he fought w/ tremendous heart, Petie was physically unable to make his 2nd scratch at 40 minutes. Spike's 2nd match was against a buckskin 1/2 brother to CH. Jeep, owned by Harry H. This proved to be Spike's toughest fight, as the buckskin possessed an extremely fast mouth & lots of bite. After 45 minutes, the buckskin dog had the slight edge & Spike was missing a sizable portion of his upper lip. The gruelling pace of the fight began to tell on the buckskin, & Spike found his way to the chest. For the next 15 minutes, Spike put on a display of biting that left many-seasoned dogmen shaking their heads. At the hour mark, Harry's dog was unable to scratch & Spike became a two time winner. Watson & Peeler brought their Spence dog from Tennessee for Spike's 3rd match. Spence, sired by Reddick's GR.CH. Pedro had earlier won in 2 hours, impressing everyone w/ his gameness. From the beginning, Spike outperformed Spence in every sense of the word. Spike was able to go to the chest & it was "Katy bar the door." Spence stood the line after 26 minutes. Incidentally, Spence later won another fight over Hargrove in almost 2 hours. Fight number 4 pitted Spike against the boys from New Jersey & Pig, sired by CH. Head. Pig was a two-time winner from Jarrett. Spike's ability forced Pig to fight defensively from the beginning & Pig proved to be an excellent defensive dog for one hour & 10 minutes. Then, for the next 19 minutes, Spike literally took Pig apart w/ devastating bite & overpowering wresting ability. Though game to the end, Pig was picked up at 1:29. For his final fight, Spike was placed in the hands of a top-flight dogman from Louisiana, -- T.C. A match was made w/ an Art bred dog from Texas that has reportedly won 2 impressive fights. The setting was Little Rock, Arkansas on a hot July day. Spike found the chest early & the conclusion was never in doubt. After 30 minutes of severe punishment, the Texas dog could take no more & took the count on his 3rd scratch. Spike's fighting career allowed him to face dogs of various styles, in the hands of numerous respected dogmen from differing parts of the country. All challengers were faced & the final result is that GR. CH. Spike proved himself to be an extremely gifted physical specimen who would stay until the job was finished. He has earned the right to be recognized as the most successful son of the prepotent Wood's Snooty, ROM sire & a worthy descendant of his namesake, Tudor's Spike.
The Gambler purchased Virgil, at the Valley Traders Market, which is something along the lines of a country flea market, where folks get together to sell a variety of different items, many of which would not be found in th eaverage department store. One of the traders at this particular market had four, three month old Pitbull pups for sale. This fellow had been raising a few bulldogs, from time to time, but had never shown a dog, or was involved in the sport in any way. The Gambler had a partner at the time and they purchased one of the pups each, for $350.00, $175.00 a piece. The partner didn't remain all that interested in the dogs and when the pups was about 8 months old he sold his share in the dogs to Gambler. Virgil was a fairly easy going pup, but became almost uncontrollable when he got excited, and on one occasion, while the 10 month old pupwas in a rage, tried to bite the Gambler, and actually torn the shirt off of Gambler's back as he tried to get away from the angry pup. Gambler thought very seriously about putting the dog down, but instead decided to roll him. Evidently he liked what he saw and by the tender age of just over 18 months, Virgil became a 1X winner. Gr Ch Virgil- 47lb class I had asked an eye-witness to Virgil's last match about how he looked to him, and he said he didn't look in the best of conditioning for this match and said he looked just average. I then informed him of the damage he suffered to his left leg and the fact that he couldn't be conditioned properly due to his leg. He then went on to say Meister's handler was intimidated by another dogman, in the Gambler's camp, who told them to pick up their dog, which they did. I then got in contact with the person who told them to pick up their dog and he said he told them to "pick up their dog...if they wanted to save him." Gambler's Gr. Ch. Virgil was voted AGDT dog of the decade, Sporting Dog Journal Dog Of The Year 1999, and Bulldog Revelation Dog Of The Year 1998 & 1999
The story of CHAMPION HONEYBUNCH is written as all fighting dog stories, and that is by the dog themselves. What can be added to the accomplishments HONEYBUNCH has made as a winner, a champion and a producer. HONEYBUNCH today is regarded as the most influential factor in the history of dog fighting, her amazing ability to produce has proclaimed her the very top producer of all times. It is with great pleasure that I recall some of the events of her life in this exclusive story for the American Gamedog Times. I purchased HONEYBUNCH from Maurice Carver in 1972 as a five month old pup. She was very active as Maurice had told me, I placed her on the chain and watched as she developed into one of the best looking bitches I have ever owned. HONEYBUNCH was a looker, super active on the chain and when rarely caught standing, stood like a great show horse with her legs spread wide apart. HONEYBUNCH was a great looking bitch, but was every bit as good as she looked. Over the years I have had many people and many fanciers to ask questions in regard to HONEYBUNCH'S record, ability, style and general behavior. I will try to answer some of those questions in this story. THE PIG PICKIN:
In closing, I want to relate to you something that happened the other
day as I was recently visiting a local Wal-Mart. I overheard a
conversation between two young men, one of them was a apparently a
Pitbull owner and the other youngster a friend of an owner. The
conversation went something like this: "Your friend got good dogs man?"
Reply: "Yeah man, he has got some real rollin stones". Owner: "He got
any Dibo blood, Blood?" Reply: "Yeah man, I don't know if I heard of
that one or not." Owner: "How about HONEYBUNCH?" Reply: "Yeah man, I've
heard of that one." I nodded to them as I pushed my shopping cart loaded
with Ole Roy by them as my mind went to remembering the great CHAMPION
HONEYBUNCH R.O.M. This article was written by Irish Jerry in the American Gamedog Times.
In the late 70's early 80's Mr Fletcher Chavis bred some dogs that any fancier would be proud to own. Much of his original stock came from that old dog Ch. Yellow John ROM and for years Mr. Chavis campaigned with those inbred redboy dogs that he got from R.T. Bass. He was considered one of the best. In the mid 70's an outstanding discovery was made. Vernon Jackson had a dog that he purchased from Don Mayfield that he called Hank. He was inbred Mayfield Lightning II blood. Hank didn't start till he was 3 years old, but when he did; he not only turned out to be a phenomenal performer but an exceptional producer as well. He was bred to a bitch of B. Rasts called Queenie and from that litter came Ch. Jocko, Ch. Argo, Pearl (Apple) and a few other good ones. Mr. Chavis ended up with Jocko and that was the beginning of the famous Redboy/Jocko line. Mr. Chavis campaigned with Jocko and he looked to be unbeatable due to the inherited trait of Hank's back end style. Jocko became a Ch and was retired for stud. He was bred to his sister Apple (Pearl) to get two good producing bitches named Green's Sandy and Green's Coffee. These two bitches were bred into a winning hard mouthed triple bred Bass' Tramp Red Boy dog named Ch. Yellow John ROM. Out of Coffee's litter came Super Gnat's Boots who won one in 4:52. Out of Sandy's litter came Gr. Ch. John Boy, S.T.P.'s Ch. Toro, S.T.P.'s Ch. Tyson, Chavis' Cleopatra, Chavis' Deadly, and Green's Hitman. Chavis Also had a bitch named Ch. Lady Sassy Mead (4X) (half Redboy and half Lonzo's breeding.) She was also bred to Ch. Jocko. Out of that litter came Chavis' Dangerous Dan, Thor, Margaret and Lady Rose. Dangerous Dan was bred to a bitch named Steen's Delilah (who was out of the above Margaret when she was bred to a 2X winner named Bucky (Jocko X Redboy-bitch) to get Carolina Kennel's Ch. Termite ROM. Ch. Termite when bred to a Medlin's Outlaw bitch made Gr. Ch. Sirus. Chavis Lady Rose was bred back to Jocko to get Chavis' Flipper, Chavis' Susie, and a 2X winning bitch named Miss Jocko. Susie was bred straight to Bass Tramp Red Boy to get Chavis' Red Lady. Red Lady was bred back to Flipper to get Chavis' Ch. Roho. Miss Jocko was also bred to Ch. Yellow John. Out of that breeding came S.T.P.'s CH. Sassy, Gainy's Jr (5XW), and Tant's GR CH Yellow ROM. There have been so many breedings done with Redboy-Jocko that it gets a bit confusing. I think that the most INFLUENTIAL dog of all the Redboy-Jocko dogs has to be Gr. Ch. Yellow because of all the champions he produced with bitches of ALL other bloodlines and his own. Gr.Ch.Yellow also produced bitches that produced as well as he did. Special mention....Gr. Ch. Yellow was bred to his littermate sister Ch. Sassy to produce Tant's AAA who is producing males and females of the utmost performance quality. After Gr. Ch. Yellow won his first match, Carl Crews took an interest in him, when he talked to his partner about he said "I don't like the dog he scratches too slow "But after Carl put a bug in his ear for a while Tant gave in and EACH MAN GAVE $400.00 A PIECE!!!! So, Gr. Ch. Yellow was bought for $800.00 dollars Yellow stayed in Tant's yard most of the time because Carl carried a little more attention than Tant. Yellow won his first at 14 months old which would make his D.O.B. approximately Sept. of '83. He became a Ch. at the age of two and a Gr. Ch. at three. Yellow was placed on the ROM list in '93 with 5 ROM points. The following came from the SDJ Book of Champions, vol.2." A six time winner, many dog men thought Yellow would be easy to whip, since he only puts out enough energy to win. Whatever the other dog had to put out, Yellow just stayed out in front. He's won in the short time of 30 minutes and the marathon time of two hours and 37 minutes. Always just enough to win." Gr.Ch.Yellow RECORD 11/84....Sineth's Tojo.....51......:54 05/85....Kitten's Roscoe...52......:50 09/85....Pact's Kung Fu....52......:30 01/86....Pact's Bo.........52.....2:37 05/86....Groves Rufus Jr...52......:53 09/86....Pact's Pop........50.....1:15 Gr.Ch. Yellow was bred to a triple bred Ch. Jocko bitch named Glady's. Out of this litter came Tant's Gladys D, Tant's Lulu , Tant's D.C. Powerhouse Kennel's Sandman, Chavis' Big John, and Havannah Boy's Gr. Ch. Rodney. Gr. Ch. Rodney was then bred to a pure Bass Tramp Red Boy bitch named Marlowe's Penny. Out of this litter came Marlowe's Grumpy and Tant's Reddy. Tant's Reddy was bred back to Chavis Ch. Roho from above to get Tant's Goldy. Goldy was bred back to Gr. Ch. Yellow to get SCK's Awesome Baby ROM. Awesome Baby was bred to a winning pure Bolio-Tombstone dog named S.T.P.'s Gr. Ch. Buck (7X)(ROM) to start the beginning of another PHENOMENAL CROSS. This cross made Gr. Ch. Yellowbuck, and Ch. Piggy. Awesome Baby also sired Gr. Ch. Lugar when bred to a Fargo dog. When bred to S.T.P.'s Jedi, (Gr. Ch. Buck X S.T.P.'s Ch. Sassy) she whelped SCK's Ch. Nico ROM (4w 1xl), and Dixie (2xw 1xl @2:40) Mr. Mark bred an old Loposay bitch named Red Lady to a double-bred Ch. Jocko male named Chris' Groucho. Out of this breeding came a gyp named Mark's Newland who was bred to a producing double-bred Bass Tramp Red Boy named Miller's Red man. Out of this breeding came a bitch named Collin's Red Alert. Red Alert was bred to the above S.T.P.'s Ch. Toro to get Onello's Sherman the Tank and Onello's Twisted Sister. These two dogs were then bred together to get Goodson's Little Man, Onello's Spook, and Ratliff's Daisy Mae was bred to Gr. Ch. Buck ROM to get Ratliff's Ch. Butkus ROM (4XW)(1XL game), and Undertaker Kennel's Miss Leaky ROM. This was a phenomenal cross. Ch. Butkus was used off the chain as a substitute dog in his loss. He was bred to Miss Leaky ROM to get Super Kennel's Ch. 357. Daisy Mae was also bred to a scatterbred Jeep/Patrick/Zebo dog named Bobby Jack to get Ch. Thunder and Ch. Terry.
On December 8th, 1991, GR CH Tornado made bulldog
history. She became the first ten time winner and DOUBLE grand champion
in history. ![]() Ch. Homer ROM, is a well known dog from a well known dog man, Mountain Man (Lester Hughes ). Ch. Homer ROM won a total of 9, although some say 10. Not all were recorded. He never had to show much gameness as he bit through all of his opponents. When asked who was the hardest biting dogs he's ever seen, Mtn. Man replied Zebo was the hardest and Homer bit just as hard. It is evident by Homer's face that he took a lot of head chewing to get him off, which is a sign of a hard biter. Homer was by J. Crenshaw's CH. Rascal, Jr., a.k.a. Little Rascal or Tojo and out of Mr. Marks' Midnight, a.k.a. Hughes or Mountain Man's Midnight. Ch. Rascal, Jr. was by J. Crenshaw's Ch Rascal 5x, same breeding as Carver's Stompanato, and out of Irish Jerry's Ch Honeybunch ROM, all bred by Maurice Carver. Midnight was by John Shivar's Buster, later known as Loposay's Buster ROM, also bred by Maurice Carver, same breeding as Holt's Jeremiah and Carver's Belle, and out of Loposay's Queen, a Boudreaux / Lightner cross by Grady Cummings' Eli III and John Shivar's Beanie, a.k.a. Loposay's Beanie. He produced some great dogs in his time. For example, Homer's Ch Junior Hughes 4x, Miller's Ch Homer Jr, Mountain Man's Ch Homer Jr, P & M's Ch Homer, Rebel's Gr Ch Hazel, Plummer Ron's Ch Yo Yo, Mountain Man's Ch Lil Bill, along with other winners. Mtn. Man has bred or owned many famous dogs including Hughes' Gator, Mtn. Man's Deadwood, Elwood, Festus, Ch. Homer, Jr., Lugar, Midnight, Gr. Ch. Shady Lady, Spider Bitem, Gr. Ch. Spooky, Gr. Ch. Zebo ROM, etc. ![]() Another famous Eli bred dog was the 5xw Nigerino. Nigerino represents some of the purest Eli Jr. blood to be found today and is a highly respected bloodline in its own right. The thing that make the Eli dogs so popular is that they are powerfully built dogs with devastating mouths who consistantly throw these traits into their offspring. One of best crosses to be made with the Eli line, was with the 'ROM' Snooty dog. Snooty was an extremely intelligent dog who added the highly desirable traits of pit intelligence and style. Eli dogs tended to be barnstorming dogs and this would lead to short-windedness. The Snooty cross corrected this problem without sacrificing the highly desirable Eli traits. Probably the best known dog from this cross was the 4xw Ch. Chinaman 'ROM'. Chinaman had it all and has subsequently produced a superior line of dogs. The Chinaman dogs consistantly throw intelligent, powerful, game dogs with a lot of mouth, literally a complete package. These dogs are true fast lane quality and continue to make an ongoing impact in today's sporting era. It would be impossible to list all the quality dogs that came directly or indirectly from Eli Jr., Bullyson, or Brendy, because their impact on the sport continues on today. Their are literally hundreds of famous dogs who owe their success to the Eli line and its originator Floyd B. and it would take an archive of novels to list the accomplishments of them all. ![]() Tonka was a dog owned and handled by Ronnie. He was bred out of Tombstone ROM and Red Baby ROM. This was a ROM litter as Tonka, Crash, and Snubby all went on to win their championships. He was by all means a great Champion of a dog. Ronnie Anderson had bred many famous Champions with Tonka before Pat Patrick purchased him back from Ronnie Anderson. Due to all his productions not being reported, he is not an ROM dog. He did however produce over 10 Champions and numerous other winning dogs. If all of Tonka's offspring that had make Champion had been registered, Tonka would have had at least 10 points on the Register Of Merit list. One of the best kept secrets in todays bulldog rhealm is the bloodline that evolved from Tonka and many of the men using the dogs that surrounded him. Anderson also owned a dog named Red Baron. Baron was a 7xw and 1xl game. He was a great dog. When they began breeding the Tonka dogs with the Red Baron dogs they eventually evolved the Tonka / Red Baron dogs. These dogs are known for extreme gameness and they are extremely durable dogs. Some of the greats were Ch. Diablo, Ch. Billy, Ch. Ginger, Ch. Chambless' Selma, Addy's Lassi, Ch. Sambo, Ch. Spade, Dillinger (2XW), Ch. Tonka Bear ROM, Ch.Willy Booger, (Gr. Ch.) Jolie Blondie, Bully Bob (4XW), Limey's Ch. Candy and many more. There was also a son of Tonka in the Lone Star state named Red Rock owned by the late Bobby D.Smith. Rock was a supergame 2x winner and fabulous producer siring loads of great dogs for Mike N. Crabb, B. D. Smith, Dean Wise, McKnight, Johnny G. and others. Rock's most famous son is Keyes' Meathead. Meathead has sired about 50 1x winners and a load of great dogs. Some of Meathead's progeny have been 3 hour dogs which is a consistant expection with these dogs. The gameness and ability has been very consistent in this family. Producing modern day greats such as Buckskin Billy, Bully a 4x winner, who was owned by R. Jr. for a short time, Levi, Honky Tonk, Anderson's Bull, and Little Eve. This line is being used heavily today to produce some exceptional dogs when crossed on other lines. The Ch. Alligator line crossed with the Tonka Red Baron dogs, is proving to have tremendous results. Tonka's sister Ch. Snubby was bred to a Boomerang male and produced King Limey's Tug ROM. Tug was bred to King Limey's Nelis ROM and produced 3 or 4 Champions in 1 litter. NELIS was a double grandson of Hammond's Rufus ROM. This is a strong cross establishing Champions and Register Of Merits on two different continents. ![]() Snooty was a tremendous producer and a dog that has affected the world of American Pit Bull Terriers for life. Snooty sired Garner's Gr. Ch. Spike 5x, Bristol's Thor ROM, Hall's Ch Sugar, Edward's Ch Red Lady, Ch Katie, Hargrove's Spanky ROM and also the grand sire of Garner's Ch Chinaman ROM. Snooty won two matches, many said on gameness alone, and he did lose game to Cranshaw's Ch Rascal. In his match against Tom's Obnoxious Ox (4XW, Corvino/Lightner blood), Snooty was ahead at 57, when a turn was called on Ox to start the scratching. After 10 scratches, Snooty ran out of steam, at 1:39.. Wood's Snooty was orginally Wood's Snoopy until the registration was sent in and returned with a typo from ADBA. But, with that typo became a new name that stuck with the dog. ![]() From the breeding of Walling's Bullyson to Art's Missy there came a litter of well known dogs: Hudson's Tex, Holt's Jeremiah, Davis' White Bull, H. L.'s Rojo, Kemmer's Macho, Gomez' Toot, Giroux' Black Pinky, Ramsey's Arty, Reddick's Tootsie Roll, Petronelli's Fox, Lott's Dr. Pepper, Carver's Belle, Carver's Black Missy, Carver's White Bull, Art's Big Boy, Bickett's Boze, Hudes' Spade, Carson's Spook, J. Carver's Nassan, Perry's Big Missy, Perry's White Missy, and Loposay's Buster to name a few. I believe it was 1973 when Mr. Loposay purchased Buster from Maurice Carver. Mr. Loposay's friend John Shivar of Fla. worked for an airline, and he could fly to Tx and pick up Buster for free. Shivar agreed to do this as long as he could use Buster for a short time as he had a couple of his best bitches coming in season. The agreement was made and Mr. Shivar brought Buster to his home in Fla. and was bred to a couple of his best. Not a month had passed before Mr. Shivar had passed away. J.R. Loposay made the trip to Fla. and brought Buster back to Sanford, NC. One month later Mr. Loposay passed away. Most all the famous breedings of Buster were made by Mrs. Loposay and their daughter untill Buster passed on in 81. Through the years in fast company the talk around the campfire was that Buster was really a Colby dog. In 1978 the late Andre Giroux reported a match he had just won with a son of Davis' Gr. Ch. Boomerang that he called Paddy (Trulock's Ch. Spike in some peds thanks to the G-Man). This was Paddy's third win and Andre also wanted to register him as a Champion. During the course of the conversation Andre was bemoaning the fact he didn't have a thing to breed Paddy to, that is nothing that he thought would cross well with Paddy. Andre was reminded that he did have a bitch that would look real good bred to Paddy. The bitch was called Black Pinky and was one of the 30 or so odd dogs that was registered as being sired by Bullyson out of Art's Missy. Andre never liked that old bitch, he claimed she was as ugly as any bitch he had ever seen. Someone had cut off her ears and her tail and she was scared from head to toe. Andre had matched her one time and had to pick her up in nine minutes with a bad bleeder (actually she jumped the rail and ran for the hills). Andre had farmed her out after she lost and as he thought about it, he did admit that the bitch was as ugly as sin. At last Andre agreed that the breeding looked like a good one and then he said, "I'll make the breeding and if they have pups, I'll send you a couple odd male pups." Some time later Andre called again and said that Black Pinky had whelped five in that litter, three male pups and would I mind if he just sent me one pup instead of the two he promised. He sent me a little black pup, chunky built and undershot that even at his early age, he looked like he was in charge of everything around him. Andre registered the dog with ADBA and named him Black Flash. Irish Tom purchased a son of Buster he named Justice. Rebel Kennel's had a belly brother to Justice named Son Dance, on some peds Sundance. Justice was registered as Morgan's Toro as these dogs were bred by the late Vern Morgan. Hudson's Tex was highly touted in his match career, so much so that it was planned for him to go into Ch. Greaser. As luck, or fate, or whatever you desire to call it goes, Tex got hurt in a chain fight and Hudson was going to have to pay the forfeit. Rather than give away money, he called and asked if Adams would take over the match with Zebo. Zebo eventually went on to win this legenary match. Tex was later matched into D. Devine (Coleman's) Ace (Cassius Clay breeding). Tex was all over Ace, but not doing much damage, while Ace was. At :17 a turn was called on Ace. At the :55 min mark, after 14 scratches each, Tex was ahead, but Ace did alot of damage from the bottom, and took over the fight. Tex made his last six scratches game, stumbling ones. Ace won in 1:17, Tex lost dead game when attempting his last scratch he took a few steps forward and collapsed. He died shortly after the fight. ![]() Davis' Gr. Ch. Boomerang, was a littermate to some great dogs, including Petronelli's Ch.. Fox, Art's Missy and Brown's Ch. Nell. Boomerang was a five time winner and was the first dog to be awarded the "Gr. Ch." title by the SDJ. He was shown between '71-'75 at weights between 39-42 lbs. His longest outing was :55 against Teal's Tramp. He sired many a good dog, including Giroux' Ch. Paddy, Sorrell's Ch. Gator, Devine's Ch. Bruce, and Wood's Miss Pool Hall Red ROM. Boomerang was also a three time "Best In Show" winner in his five outings. For Boomerang's Grand Championship, he was matched into Howard T. and won in :50 minutes. In this fight Boomer was 7 1/2 years old, his last fight until this one was 3 years before. ![]() Eli was the product of the breeding efforts of Floyd Boudreaux. He was heavily bred on Floyds all time favorite dog Blind Billy. When Eli a 2xw was bred to Mr. Boudreaux' Spook, another Blind Billy breed dog, the outcome was to change the sporting community forever. Three famous names that come to mind from the Eli/Spook breeding are: Eli Jr., Bullyson, and a bitch named Brendy. Boudreaux' Eli is without question one of the most famous of modern dogs from the 60's era. He and his sons Eli Jr. (sire of Gr. Ch. Art.-grandsire of Chinaman, Stompanato, Crenshaw's Ch. Rascal etc.) and Bullyson (sire of Ch. Honeybunch, Midnight Cowboy and Chivo, Loposay's Buster etc.) were used to create lines of their own and those in turn have spawned even more good lines of bulldogs. There is hardly a line of good dogs today that cannot trace its lineage back to the Eli dog. He was a product of inbreeding on Boudreaux' old Blind Billy dog (Dibo X Minnie) with some Trahan's Rascal (Dibo's half brother) blood thrown in, both good Tudor/Corvino bred dogs. I believe Mr. Boudreaux is still producing some fine dogs and I have talked to dog men who wouldn't have one from anyone else. Mr. Boudreaux has been breeding these dogs for over 35 years and has produced some of the best ever to look through a collar. The perfect southern gentleman and devoted family man, he is a real credit to the dog game and an excellent role model for the aspiring young dog man . Eli Jr. was a fantastic 2xw himself and sire of one of the greatest dogs of all time, the 7xw Gr.Ch. Art. Art was unfortunately stolen and never recovered. Before Art was stolen the breedings made with him produced a high percentage of quality game dogs and enough to make Art an 'ROM' producer. Just to imagine what Art could have produced if he wouldn't have been taken is enough to boggle the mind. Art had a litter brother who was an exceptionally talented dog in his own right, the 3xw Ch. Hurt. Bullyson was a 2xw, 1xL and another fantastic producer. Bullyson's only loss was to one of his sons Benny Bob. Benny Bob subsequently lost to Jimmy Boots in a classic match. Bullyson's legend as a producer can be found in many dogs, but his most famous offspring has to be the 5xw Ch. Honeybunch, the all time leading 'ROM' bitch. Honeybunch subsequently produced the 4xw Ch. Jeep. Jeep now ranks as the number one 'ROM' dog to this day and literally deserves to be covered in a story alone. Other famous Bullyson offspring are Loposay's Buster 'ROM', and the ever so famous Midnight Cowboy. Brendy when bred to her brother Eli Jr., produced P. Carver's Black Shine. Shine subsequently produced the legendary 8xw, 1xL Ch Rascal, Oso Negro a brother to Rascal, and the world famous P. Carver's Stomponato. Rascal when bred to Honeybunch produced the 3xw Polly, who in turn was bred to Jeep's father the 6xw, 1xL Ch. Bo 'ROM', thereby producing the great 7xw Gr.Ch. Outlaw. Another famous Eli bred dog was the 5xw Gr. Ch. Nigerino. APRIL 28, 1968 Sixth Match: JACK SMITH VS. FLOYD BOUDREAUX Males at 38 pounds. Cajun Rules, Howard Teel, Referee Pete Sparks, TimekeeperJack is using a red dog called Bozo said to have been bought by Sonny Sykes from Jerome Hernandez. Floyd is using a black which he calls Eli. The black gets the first hold as Bozo gets skin hold in throat. Black is getting into the throat of Bozo as Bozo works the ear trying for a shoulder. $50 to $25 bets being made. Bozo the favorite. Black is showing good and working for Bozo's throat. $500 to $250 being offered. All the dog fighting in the previous match is being wrapped up in a ten-minute space of time in this fight. Black gets in Bozo's throat at 14, then Bozo throws one leg over the black's shoulder, gets an ear and throws the black dog. Bozo gets a shoulder and shakes and the black dog gets a mouth hold and gets him off. Black up at 15 and into the throat. The black comes up and the bets shift to even money as both dogs are working the shoulders and front legs. Bozo gets the nose and shakes at 21. Changes to a hind leg, gets stifle and shakes. Bozo is working front leg. Back to mouth fighting at 25-minute mark. Bets getting hard to get at even money as first one then the other gets on top and gets nose and mouth. The black acts as though he has shot his wad. Bozo has opened up the black's front leg and the black is weakening. Story is that the black has heartworms. 38 and a pick up, Bozo to scratch. Made determined scratch, gets a front leg and the black goes into Bozo's neck. 40 a pick up, black scratches hard. Bozo gets nape of neck and the black goes down. At the 45 minute mark Kenneth Chandler says, if the little black dog don't win, his children will go hungry for a week. 54 a pick up, Bozo to scratch. Made determined scratch. 57 pick up with black to scratch. Trotted over and took hold, gets an ear and Bozo goes down. Bozo makes a good scratch at the one-hour mark. One minute later the black makes a good scratch and Smith gives up the fight. Black makes a good courtesy scratch. Eli is the winner in one hour and one minute. NOVEMBER 9, 1969 JACK SMITH VS. JUNIOR Males at 37 1/2 pounds. Cajun Rules, Leo Kinard, Referee Jack is using a fawn and white Corvino dog. Junior is using a black dog named Eli. Eli, is the betting favorite from the start as he gets the Corvino dog in the throat with a skin hold. The Corvino dog gets an ear and holds on. Deuce is Jack's dog's name. Eli is Boudreaux breeding. Deuce held the ear for about 4 minutes. Eli got loose but Deuce got his ear again and throws Eli. Eli gets in the throat an Deuce tumbles in a summersault in an effort to free himself. Deuce gets Eli by the nose and gets him off, gets a leg. Eli tries but can't stay in hold. Boudreaux claims that Bozo broke his jaw. Sonny Sykes bought Bozo from Hernandez. Bozo had previously beat Al Offer's "Tuffy" in December. Jack's dog is fanged. Handler frees him at 19. Dogs out of hold at 20, catching their breath. Eli gets the throat. Deuce is on his back with skin hold, and Eli is resting out of his hold at 23. Eli gets up and tries for the throat, but Deuce gets an ear and Eli goes down. Dogs out of hold catching their breath at 26. After a flurry of excitement, the dogs are out of hold and Junior asks for an out of hold count. Jack asks the referee if he must consent and the referee tells him no, so Jack refuses to go along with the out of hold count. Eli gets up and gets a good hold on a front leg but lets go and stands, Deuce is flat, catching breath at 30. Then they are up and at it, and Eli is working a cheek hold. Deuce was fanged through the tounge, Jack frees him. Eli acts like he thinks he has done all he should be called on to do but goes back into foot and skin holds. At 35, the dogs are out of hold, catching their breath. Eli turns, a pick up is made, Eli scratches hard and went for the throat and Deuce goes down. 37, a handle was made, Deuce to scratch. Deuced is counted out and the black dog makes a good courtesy scratch. Eli declared winner in 38 minutes. The thing that make the Eli dogs so popular is that they are powerfully built dogs with devastating mouths who consistently throw these traits into their offspring. ![]() Pinscher's pit record is vague, and for that reason he has been a subject of some controversy. However, Colby always referred to him as one of his all-time great dogs, and others who were in the area during Pinscher's heyday confirm his greatness. He apparently was game and a killing punisher. Most of our dogs have him in their pedigrees if we trace them back far enough. For those who wonder about the name, there were no Dobermans back in those days, and pinscher was the German word for "terrier". Unfortunately, that leaves us with another mystery: why would an Irishman give the German name for terrier to a box-headed dog like Pinscher? ![]() Kager was bred by John P. Colby, and, as a matter of fact, was a descendant of Colby's Pinscher. That he was a good pit dog is attested to by the fact that both George Armitage and Harry Clark proclaimed him the greatest dog they had ever seen. According to legend, Kager was once the pet of a driver of a whisky wagon and rode on the wagon everywhere with his master; he thus was appropriately named "Whisky". Colby got the dog back when his master became a policeman and no longer had time for the dog. He was subsequently sold to Armitage, who changed his name to Kager and matched him under that name. Later Harry Clark purchased Kager but fought him under the name of Clark's Tramp. Apparently, most of the breedings made to Kager were made while Clark owned him, as "Clark's Tramp" is the only way I have seen him appear on a pedigree. ![]() Before I'll tell you the life story of this game little 30 lbs p.w. female, I'll tell you about her ability to produce winning longwinded hard scratching game dogs which should made any dogman proud. When bred to F.W.K.'s 1xw ''Dutch'' (Maloney's Ch. Bert x Hall's Hot Load) she produced the 1x winner in 2.04 Milkman's ''Spike'', defeated KKK's ''Champ'' on a hot Florida summer night, proving to be deadgame by running his courtesy to collapse dead in the others corner after a brutal battle. He was one game brother. Milkman's ''Mad Max'' who was never matched but sold and vanished out of sight and a game sister, Junk Yard's ''Pinky'' who was stolen, and 3 other males were culled at F.W.K.'s yard. When bred to Cobra's 4 x winner Ch.''Speedy'' (St.B.'s 1xw Rooster x Cobra's Messa) she produced F.W.K.'s ''Joop'' a deepgame winner of two contests. He had a game sister, Care Taker's ''Suki'', who just like ''Joop'' died on a young age due bloodcancer, two b###hes were placed by Cobra for brood, one male he culled, and another male was culled at the yard of the Iron Captain. When bred to Roberto & F.W.K.'s Ch.''Ginger'' (Bros'Ch.Handsome x Bros'Neutron) she produced 2xw 1xl Underdog's ''Fred'', who's showing in his last and winning match he's deadgame to boot, and F.W.K.'s Ch.''Dollyson'' who lost his 1st in a game effort to Tex Mex' Ch.''Bimbo'' and went on to defeat 3 opponents the hard way later on in his career. His littermates and brothers ''Ajax'', ''Ginger JR'', and another male, who his name slipped my mind, are still alive on various yards, their only sister ''Red Jacky'' died during a roll due heart faillure. Glad to know that she's been bred two more times and that there are youngsters on the campain trail and old ''Dolly'' pups on the ground at here. So far about her offspring, here the complete story how I obtained, raised and campained this little pitdog. The ''ROSITA'' vs ''DOLLY'' match. A classic battle. Arrived at home my wife and daughter liked the pup imediality, since she was really sweet toward people, specially children but I had still the problem that I haven't enough room to place the pup and was calling a friend of mine to farm the pup out. When I was on the phone a friend of mine was entering into my house with a big 55 lbs chocolate colored pitbull who really pulled his leash hard.''Hell,what's that ?!?'', he was running in the streets, looking for some trouble I guess, my friend says. I recognised this big dog as the dog which was owned by some fellas who were doing a lot of terror in the streets and treating people with their pitbulls, the kind of a--holes that gave our breed such a bad reputation in our home town. I was still on the phone and told my friend that I had also got a big, bad male with no breeding, maybe you want to have him too ? He said.''yes bring in the dogs'', which I did. The chocolate ''stolen'' dog was rolled for 45 minutes, had shown no talent at all but was to our suprise looking game, but I decided to gave him to a farmer as a guard dog and probably he's still around. Anyway the little pup, which I decided to name ''Dolly'' was brought to my friend and picked up by me about one year later, when I heard that the owner of dogs such as Champion ''Harley'', Champion ''Speedy'' had obtained a b###h bred by Pat Patrick from St. B. Kennels and was standing open at 30 lbs. My ''Dolly'' was rolled at the early age of ten months without my knowledge into a game Cotton's ''Bullet'' b###h,''Dolly'' killed her in seven minutes. I rolled her into my strong ''Mask'' b###h as soon as I had her back,''Dolly'' and ''Mask'' fought for 20 minutes, both determinded to wreck each other completely. I stopped the roll due to the fact that I was afraid of loosing them both.''Mask'' was matched later on against Peter Parker's 6xw Gr. Ch.''Rasta Girl'', who was going for her Championship into my dog. We lost this very hard one in 1:08, both dogs had really destroyed each other and I was not to save my dog. ''Rasta Girl'' had a hard time also, but finally recovered and won 3 more, one of these against Tattoo Ron's ''Nona'' in 24 minutes, also a dog of my kennels originaly. I had defeated Cobra before when we were matching my ''Jail'' b###h into his ''Red'' b###h ,I won this one in one hour and fifty minutes, ''Jail'' was the dam of ''Mask'' and from the 1x winner ''Gary'' who had beaten Giant Kennel's ''Bolio'', a son of the famous St. B.'s ''Dylan''. We agreed with each other and a match was made, Scarface as referee. By the command let go the dogs meet each other hard in the center of the pit, ''Dolly'' riding the head, ''Rosita'' going for the chest. Both dogs can bite hard, but ''Dolly'' seems to have the better of it. At about 30 minutes both dogs going down, ''Rosita'' comes through and goes for the chest, a turn claimed on ''Dolly'', but even Ray Charles could see that there was in no way a turn made and also the referee says no turn. ''Rosita'' was building up a lead now, and both going on real fast and determinded, the crowd goes wild when both dogs going down again and swapping stifle holds. ''Rosita'' coming up first rooting real deep into ''Dolly''s chest, who is on the floor with a hold on the underjaw, unable to come up. ''Rosita'' is dragging ''Dolly'' through the pit, ''Dolly'' goes down fast now, she try hard to come up but she is not strong enough anymore. Out of frustration ''Dolly'' is crying out and one of the spectators, a well known dogman,shout out loud that my b###h is gonna die and that I am a scumbag or something like this. I watched my b###h struggling for life, still determinded to wreck the other dog and tell Cobra that he can scratch his dog to win if he like. Dogs were broke off and ''Dolly'' laying down, stretched out completely, I think the same nitwit shout out again, that the dog is dead, I'm quoting Earl Tudor says ''Hey ! you want to see a dead dog scratch ?!, ''Rosita makes a real fast scratch and won, ''Dolly'' soon as she was released cries for more and was giving one of these amazing, stumbling, deepgame, wide open courtesy scratches. The crowd was going wild, ''Rosita'' the winner in 1:10. Several fanciers told me afterwards that they had just saw the best match of their life .I was driving home with a badly wounded dog who had lost but who had satisfied me completely. I was bringing home the real McCoy, a damn little game bulldog which makes me proud to own. ''Rosita'' was sold to Bad Boys Kennels and won two more in short order, a real good fighting dog, who had showed to be a game one also in her first match. BRYANT'S CH.BEN X O'NIELS'RED DANGER = F.W.K.'S DOLLY GONZALES'NO REGRETS X PATRICK'S ROSE = COBRA'S (B.B.'S) CH.ROSITA PS:About that stolen dog we had, I think snitches and dogthieves are the lowest kind of scum in the sport, and I don't have any compassion for this kind of people, but let me tell you all this, when some idiots are running in the street with our breed of dogs, don't hesitate to take these dogs away from them before somebody gets killed. By Finkle Winkle UPDATED: SEPT 2005 |